27 juni 2012

Pears... step by step...

See for demo with download here.

Both Irina and Pat asked me to make a video recently. My first thought was: have you seen what I threw away in the past week?! :) Well, a video I cannot do, but I can do a step by step photo series. You know I am absolutely no expert nor a teacher, but I can share what I have learned.
I used the same reference photo of the pears in my previous post, it is Challenge nr. 1 of Paint and Draw Together.
I made a quick drawing and started painting the pears and most of the background yellow, careful to leave the highlights white.

While that was still wet....
....I added sapgreen.... and vermillion red.
When the red threatened to take over the whole pear.... oops...
.... I used paper towel to remove the excess and soften the edges. Tip: try not to go back in again with the brush, but control the paint by tilting the paper.
I also added more yellow to both pears, making use of the nice property of yellow (and also clean water) to push other colours away.
Since it was all very wet....
....I then waited till the whole painting dried. When totally dry I carefully erased most of the pencil lines.
Then I added ultramarine blue, and softened edges here and there with a damp brush.
Then I added shadows and the last finishing touches....
and tadaaaaah.....
Pears for Irina and Pat

14 juni 2012

Paddestoelen... Mushrooms...

Druk, druk, druk.
Dit is alles wat ik kan laten zien op dit moment.
Een stilleven dat ik deze week heb geschilderd. 
Naar een foto van Maria Sheehan op Paint My Photo.

Busy, busy, busy.
This is all I can show you at the moment.
A still life I painted this week. 
From a photo by Maria Sheehan on Paint My Photo.

06 juni 2012

Bananas... Bananen...

Geschilderd van een foto van Steven James Gibb op Paint My Photo.
Painted from a photo by Steven James Gibb on Paint My Photo.

Te koop in mijn Etsy winkeltje.
Available in my Etsy shop.
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