
Privacy Statement
(Nederlandse versie van deze privacy verklaring op mijn andere blog)

Due to new 2018 EU privacy regulations each website and blog needs to have their own privacy policy.
In this privacy statement is explained which personal data are received and how they are managed.

About this blog.
This blog uses Blogger which is a Google service. Google uses cookies, see their Cookie and Privacy Policy.

Personal Data.
This blog also receives personal data of viewers via:
  • Contact Form: Your name and email adress are only used to enable me to send a reply.
  • Email Subscription: This is a service provided by Feedburner (Google).
    When you subscribe to my blog you provide your email address where you receive a feed of a new blogpost. If you are no longer comfortable with that, please unsubscribe, or send me an email so I can remove your subscription.
  • Statcounter: This is a statistics program. On the left bottom corner a small visitor counter is visible. See below for more information about Statcounter.

I emphasize that none of these data will be shared with or handed over to third parties.

About Statcounter.
Statcounter is an online statistics program which helps to understand visitors. For example, how visitors find my blog, which pages they are most interested in, and where they live. This helps to improve the content, design and functionality of my site and blog.

Statcounter uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on visitors and visitor activity. Furthermore, when you visit my blog a Statcounter cookie may be placed in your browser.

The data provided to me by Statcounter are stored on my account for a limited time (no longer that six months). No personal information can be can be traced from these data.

A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing. Cookies can be disabled and removed via your browser settings. Look in the help function of your browser how to do that.

Firstly, for Google cookies, see their Cookie and Privacy Policy.

Secondly, Statcounter also use cookies. This cookie is used only to determine whether you are a first-time or returning visitor and to estimate unique visits to the site. No personal information, like name, address, etc. can be detected.
Statcounter have their own Privacy Policy.

Opt out.
Cookies can be disabled and removed via your browser settings. Look in the help function of your browser how to do that.

If you are no longer comfortable with your email subscription to my blog, please unsubscribe or contact me so I can remove your subscription.

Visitors can also opt out and refuse StatCounter analytics cookies from my blog (and all other sites which use StatCounter). See more on this page.

Third party cookies and privacy.
I have removed buttons for sharing, and third party gadgets for Facebook, Pinterest, etc.
Please note that the links on my blog, for instance to my facebook, my website or my Etsy shop, are safe links made by me. No cookies are involved when you click on them. Of course, all those websites have their own privacy policies.

This privacy statement can be changed and supplemented, when necessary.

Judy Barends
6 June 2018