03 april 2012


Ik heb stapels schilderijen die nooit mijn blog gehaald hebben. Omdat er stukjes van de schilderijen best wel aardig zijn, kon ik ze niet weggooien. Ik heb zo veel bloemen geschilderd in de afgelopen twee jaar, niet te geloven! Ik maakte er kaarten van.

I have stacks of paintings that never made it to my blog. Because I like certain parts of the paintings I could not throw them away. I painted so many flowers in the past two years, I can't believe it!
I made cards out of them.

20 opmerkingen:

  1. These are just wonderful, Joy ... I'm sure there's a market for them. Your friends are really going to enjoy these. Clever idea.

  2. These look wonderful!! I do this all the time too. Gorgeous tulip below too.

  3. Hello,Judy!Some years ago I cut many works as gifts, put them inside the picture frames! Sometimes then I am a little sorry! Your flowers are very beautiful seen so together! Not give them away ...all!

  4. He Judy! Wat leuk! Ik weet nog van de laatste kerst dat een zelfgemaakte kaart dubbele vreugde geeft! Liefs en groetjes!

  5. Judy, these are so wonderful, refreshing and you know I need refreshing right now.
    Your card idea is beautiful..
    hugs to you BJ

  6. Judy, they are absolutely delightful!!! I love them. :)

  7. These are really lovely Judy, great idea to make cards out of them, I will 'steal' this idea.

  8. Judy, so glad my post about making cards like this by cropping down old paintings has inspired you to do this for your self. About every six months I go through all my old paintings ( the ones that don't make it to frames) and crop them/chop them up for cards. The aperture blank cards work really well for this. These look fabulous!!! Pieces of left over paintings that don't make it to cards, I use the back of as scrap paper for mixing colours swatches....

  9. Wat een leuk idee!
    En met de regelmatig dat ik nieuwe schilderijen zie verschijnen op je blog, moet je een hele stapel schilderijen hebben liggen.
    Het lijkt me wel even pijnlijk om een schaar of mes in het papier te zetten.

  10. Geweldig Judy. Ze zijn echt schitterend. Goed idee om er kaarten van te maken he.
    Hoop er nog meer van je te zien. Super
    groetjes Marja

  11. Thank you John!

    Thanks Cynthia! Fun, isn't it! :)

    Thank you Rita! No you are right Rita, I will not give away all.

    Hoi Renate, ja echt leuk!

    Hi BJ, I am glad you like them! Hugs!

    Hi Kathryn, thanks!

    Hi Jane, thank you! You are welcome to 'steal'! :)

    Hi Maggie, it is a GREAT idea, thank you!

    Hoi Jennifer! Je moet het anders zien: het is niet zo moeilijk om de lelijke dingen eraf te knippen. :) Soms ontstaat spontaan een mooi stukje en het is leuk om dat op deze manier 'in te lijsten'.

    Hoi Marja, dankje! Ik ben er nog meer aan het maken. Wordt vervolgd.

  12. Taking small parts of a painting and making it in to a card is a wonderful idea! I can imagine getting some lovely little abstracts too. They do look gorgeous :0)

  13. Hi Judy, great idea to make the cards. These are really lovely! Ciao!!

  14. Lucky friends! These look fantastic!

  15. Leuk idee om er kaarten van te maken. Zien er mooi uit.
    Groetjes, Annet

  16. Sandra, Tito, Lisa and Annet, thank you!

  17. beautiful cards for your friends or small paintings judy :)

  18. These are very good Judy, what a clever idea to use them as cards.

  19. These flowers are so beautifully painted! I am sure that the recipients will treat them as the small size paintings, that they are.

  20. Wat een leuk idee zeg! Inderdaad zonde om weg te gooien.


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