05 december 2012

Holly and a christmas tree...

Ik ben druk met proberen in de kerststemming te komen.
De boom is vrijelijk geschilderd naar een foto van John H op Paint My Photo.

I'm trying to get into the Christmas mood. 
The tree is painted freely after a photo by John H on Paint My Photo.

47 opmerkingen:

  1. these are lovely, would make wonderful Christmas cards I think :)

  2. Both are very beautiful! I love watercolor effects you used to create the texture in the tree. And the holly is marvellous with this combination of red and green and the just right amount of lost and found edges, of which you are a master!

  3. Lovely, Judy, as all your watercolors! I never truly get in Christmas mood, maybe because here is so tropical and hot in december!

  4. Dit zijn 2 mooie schilderijtjes Judy. Sfeervol en mooi geschilderd.
    Lukt het al een beetje om in de kerstsfeer te komen?

  5. PRACHTIG!! zie je wel, de inspiratie laat zich niet tegenhouden, ik ben helemaal verliefd!

  6. Judy, als je dit ziet, ben je zeker helemaal in de Kerstsfeer hoor ! heel mooi gedaan !

  7. Well Judy, this has definitely put ME into the Christmas spirit. Beautiful paintings both of them in your brilliant style.

  8. Thank you everyone! I am glad I've put you in the mood for Christmas!
    Bedankt allemaal, ik ben blij dat jullie nu in de kerststemming zijn! :)

  9. Both are very fantastic, this is the spirit of christmas.. :) hugs

  10. Deux merveilleuses aquarelles au goût acidulé de Noël...
    J'aime leur grande délicatesse.

    Gros bisous.

  11. Here the cold and the snow on the peaks came along with Christmas lights in the town.
    Your tree and your holly bring joy on my screen and in my heart.!
    The Feast of San Nicola anticipates the warmth of Christmas in Northern Europe.
    Best wishes for this beautiful celebration!

  12. Not long now, Judy ... my family love Christmas!

  13. Is je goed gelukt mooie boom en besjes zullen de vogels blij mee zijn lieve groetjes Daniëlle

  14. Hoi Judy:) Mooi hoor die hulst. En de kerstboom is ook geweldig! Nou mijn stemming nog:(

  15. EXCELLENT Holly and tree, Judy!! I love both of them! I wasn't in the mood for Christmas this year but I don't want anything to get in the way of my favorite Holiday!!!

  16. Two beautiful painting...especially I really love the first one, so wonderfully loose.

  17. Ambas acuarelas son hermosas.¡¡ Me gustan las dos!! Un abrazo.

  18. Hola JUDY. Hermosas las dos acuarelas, me encanta el verde del arbol y esa degradación del color. Felicitaciones!!!

  19. Hi Judy,

    Everybody love Christmas,especially watercolour artists and lovers love paint these motif. I love watercolour. You always show fantastic effect.
    Thank you for sharing.

  20. both are darling! I love the look you've achieved with them . Well done! xx

  21. Preciosas, es fantástica la sencillez y frescura que has conseguido. Abrazos.

  22. It's lovely to see all of these festive posts popping up in blog land! Yours is gorgeous! :0)

  23. Hi Judy, two wonderful Christmas paintings.....the first one is absolutely fantastic. Ciao!

  24. This works also makes me get into xmas mood :D and do some works theme related! Great job!

  25. How beautiful, I particularly like the tree. You have such a light touch.

  26. I really like the loose quality you've achieved in these paintings.

  27. Tout à fait de saison et très joliment peint.

  28. Mooi Judy, en weer zo lekker 'waterig'

  29. Gorgeous christmasy work Judy. I have only just got my decorations down from the loft. Maybe tomorrow they will go up. Enjoy the season!!!

  30. Hola amig@,

    Te visito porque la temática de tu blog me gusta, resulta agradable y me sirve para aprender cosas novedosas.

    Te agrego a mi lista de blogs útiles, y si te apetece, pásate
    por felicidadenlavida

    Un abrazo muy fuerte y espero que sigas escribiendo, para continuar aprendiendo.

  31. Beautiful and very festive. No one does loose wet work quite like you. ;)

  32. Ciao Judy, sono bellissimi!!!!
    Buon fine settimana

  33. Delightful - you are certainly helping me to get into a Christmassy mood!

  34. By the looks of these, you ARE in the mood! They are wonderful!

  35. happy holidays! i'm trying to get into the christmas spirit too. thank you for sharing these beautiful images. the tree is my favorite!

  36. Hoi Judy,
    Wat een schitterende aquarellen heb je gemaakt, de laatste van de hulst tak vindt ik ontzettend mooi! ook de kerstboom, knap gedaan. Ik probeer ook eens een aquarel te maken, acryl gaat mij beter af, maar ik ga zeker een poging wagen.

    En ik wens je hele fijne feestdagen toe en een gelukkig Nieuwjaar.

    Groetjes, Joke

  37. I love your light touch and "clean" colours. Both are just beautiful!

  38. Dankjewel Joke! Thank you Krystyna!

  39. Blogger has not been notifying me of your new posts - this tree is beautiful - I love it.

  40. Die hulst is echt prachtig geworden, de diepte in de blaadjes en besjes en toch zo lekker in jouw losse stijl - je zou echt ontwerper moeten gaan worden voor een bedrijf als Hallmark of zo...


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