08 september 2013

Rope 2...

Nog een touw schilderij. Deze zijn een beetje meer in de knoop. Welk verhaal zie je in deze touwen?

Another rope painting. These are more tangled up. What story do you see in these ropes?

46 opmerkingen:

  1. I am sure any 'restaurant breton' would love to have your rope pictures on their walls!

  2. Thanks for bringing us such a beautiful and absorbing blog. I'm not always very good at leaving a comment but I do so love looking in regularly. I like the informality of these rope studies - looking at them makes me think of the invigorating smell of the coast and sea.

  3. another great rope watercolour - fabulous!

  4. Thank you Atreewalker! Or a in a psychiatrist's office. :)

    Thank you for your lovely comments, Ashok, Jerry and Sharon!

    Dankje Geri!

  5. Judy I like your rope paintings - they conjure up for me images of seaside harbours with fishing boats bringing in their catch. Whenever I see one of your paintings, apart from wishing I could do one that good, I also feel very inspired to go and get the brushes out anyway and enjoy a bit of paint dabbling! Betty

  6. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une nouvelle aquarelle très plaisante où la simplicité n'est pas de mise. Peindre le cordage, rude affaire ! Bravo, joli travail.
    gros bisous

  7. Judy, your rope paintings are fabulous. I find them fascinating to look at.
    Kathryn xx

  8. PRACHTIG!! Zowel De draadgallery als ook de touwen. Ik bel je snel voor een afspraak. Groetjes, Marleen.

  9. I'm so happy for you and the gallery! So lovely rope, as link symbol of mutual friendship,my dear Judy!

  10. De Draad Gallery is een prachtige site, heel sfeervol en fijntjes opgebouwd. Ik heb er met plezier in rondgedwaald.
    En je touw... het is een grote draad hè, past helemaal bij je en mooi gedaan.

  11. Thank you Betty, for your kind comment! I'm so happy you feel inspired by my paintings, it's a great compliment!

    Merci beaucoup Martine!

    Thank you Kathryn! I like them too.

    Hoi Marleen, tot gauw!

    Thank you Rita! I love your idea of the rope being a symbol for friendship!

    Dankjewel Hanneke, ik ben blij dat je je vermaakt hebt op de Gallery. Ja inderdaad, een grote draad, had er nog niet aan gedacht! :)

  12. Love your rope paintings. Wonderful textures and colours.

  13. I am intrigued at how you capture the texture and retain the lovely light on the twists, so interesting to view. I popped over to your website and loved seeing all your watercolours

  14. Wow! Great composition, color and depth. xo Jenny

  15. It's perfect! I can visualize the sun in the face and seagulls in the sky :)

  16. Hi, Judy,
    The work is good. Just have fun!
    Cheers, Sadami

  17. Van een eenvoudig onderwerp weet jij altijd de prachtigste aquarellen te maken! Groetjes, Frieda

  18. pequeño motivo, pero muy bien tratado. Has conseguido la belleza a partir de una simple maroma. Felicidades Judy

  19. Another gorgeous one. In the heart of the spaces between the ropes, I see the silhouette of a father and son. So these ropes tell me the history of a fishing family, in a small village..

  20. Dat heb je knap voorgesteld Judy.

  21. Thank you Vandy, Lorraine, Jenny, Dana, Sadami, Frieda, Aurora, Pat and Simonne!

  22. Hi Judy! Very intricate work in your last two paintings. What patience you have. And I had a look at your beautiful Gallery. It's really full of little treasures. Congrat

  23. This is such a lovely subject to paint! And you have done a lovely job :0)

  24. This is the most beautiful tangled up mess I have ever seeeen! I love painting rope too ,,,these two are super!

  25. opps forgot to say your website looks nice....great slide show too!

  26. Thank you Helen, Sandra and Cynthia! Happy you like the Gallery!!

  27. Le rendu des lumières est superbe et le travail dans le mouillé magnifique, j'aime vraiment beaucoup ce que tu as fait avec d'un sujet assez difficile à traiter.

  28. Judy, thank you so much for your comment on the hydrangeas!

  29. I love how you are transforming an ordinary object and turning into a beautiful work of art.

  30. Merci beaucoup Christine!

    You're so welcome, Kathryn, your flower paintings are amazing!

    Thank you Celia!

  31. beautiful painted ...it's a subject i love judy ... i have taken many ref photos ...we use two long very heavy ropes similar to this to tie the boat to shore.

  32. Hi Jane, thank you! The ropes reminded me of your fabulous rusty boat paintings. It is great to have your own reference photos, looking forward to your coming paintings!

  33. I like these rope paintings with their the pastel colors. They make me think how many unusual subjects one can find...

  34. Wow! Even better than the previous rope, I like it very much. Ciao Judy.

  35. Thank you Blaga! There must be a painting in everything. :)

    Thanks Tito! Ciao!

  36. A great and not common subject wonderfully painted ! Have a great weekend.

  37. Thank you Jane! Good to see you back in blogland!

  38. you are getting better and better in your paintings, Judy! I think you found a great subject! xx

  39. Judy , to fill you in on the EHAG.
    An 'old hag' is something like a wrinkled old ugly witch.
    The abbreviation for our art guild is EHAG. ! Get it. ??
    We've been teased about it.. Thanks for always visiting me...

  40. This painting of the rope is amazing! Your work with watercolor is fantastic, Judy!!!!

  41. Geweldig onderwerp, die touwen. Deze zijn erg mooi geworden, de diepte zit er goed in.
    Je site ziet er erg mooi uit. Nodigt echt uit om alles te bekijken.


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