09 december 2013

Busy, busy, busy...

Druk druk druk. Ik ben bezig met kerstkaarten, maar die laat ik lekker nog niet zien. :) En verder heb ik alleen kleine dingetjes gemaakt. Dennenappels. En een beertje voor een pasgeboren meisje bij één van mijn buren.
Fijne week gewenst!

Busy busy busy. I have been making Christmas cards, that I will not show you yet. :) And furthermore I only painted some little things. Pine cones. And a little bear for a new born baby girl next door. 
Have a nice week!

36 opmerkingen:

  1. You're the best :), hope you're well, busy bee :)

  2. That's it I'm going to watercolor today, thanks to your inspiration

  3. Thank you Dana, I'm fine, just very busy. :) Hope you're well too!

    Have fun, Cathy!

  4. Ahh.. I just love this bear Judy. Keep enjoying the Christmas painting season. xx

  5. What a sweeeet Bear! I do a bear every Xmas ,,,in snow for a friends Xmas card,,,she orders them from me.
    I will have to show her this cutie.
    She decorates her house with about 80 Xmas Bears....omg,,,but it looks amazing.

  6. ohhh I thought the pinecones were another post....very nice....I just love your edges girl!!

  7. me again>) I was showing my neighbor your blog....we were looking and looking....she loves your work.

  8. These are lovely - gorgeous softness in both of them.

    Hope you have time to do more painting in between the busy-ness.

  9. Hola Judy: Hermosos trabajos!!! Felicitaciones!!!!

  10. A cute teddy bear and pine cones with a beautiful texture!Busy busy ... but still lovely!

  11. Love your paintings, and that bear is so cute.

  12. Hi,Judy, take it easy. you, too, have a nice week.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  13. Hey Judy, het beertje ziet er fantastisch uit !!!

  14. Certainly is that frantic time of the year Judy, lovely that being busy still has the brush in your hands, great bear

  15. I look forward to seeing your Christmas cards. Love the bear and pinecones!

  16. Love the pine cones and the teddy bear! I wish you a great week, too, Judy!

  17. Both great works, but my heart beats faster for the cones, awesome !

  18. C'est très beau, très délicat. Tes amis ont de la chance, ils vont recevoir de bien jolies cartes de Noël.

  19. You make everyday objects extra special Judy! I love your painting style!Can't wait to see what you are working on!

  20. Thank you, Laura, Cynthia, Vandy, Mercedes, Rita, Ann, Sonia, Sadami, Simonne, Lorraine, Karen, Kathryn, Jane, Christine, Celia!

  21. hi judy ... beautiful present for the new arrival ... wonderful cones

  22. Sempre belli i tuoi acquerelli Judy. Buona settimana anche a te. Abbraccio.

  23. Both are lovely, Judy ! Love the little bear

  24. Thank you so much, Jane, Tito and Anamaria!

  25. Well of course my favourite is the bear... as if you wouldn't have guessed! ;0)

  26. Judy - very lovely and that bear is special indeed. Hope you have a lovely time painting today or whatever you do.

  27. Only Pine Cones??? Not only, they are so well made! Love the colours! What colours did you use????? :)
    And the bear is so cute! I´m sure you neighbour will love it for the baby.

  28. Of course, Sandra! :)

    Thanks Debbie, you too!

    Thanks Catharina, I used burnt sienna, ultramarine blue (those two mixed give a nice dark brown), a little red vermillion, and some indigo. The glow in the background is from the sienna.

  29. I like how loosely the pine-cones are painted and teddy-bear is adorable! A lovely gift for a new babay

  30. Lovely little bear, good job Judy! Happy weekend!

  31. I tried mixing burnt sienna and ultramarine blue as you said, but my mix only turned greyish. I don´t know what I did wrong. :(

  32. Magnifique post !
    Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année!


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