19 augustus 2014

An old knot...

Toen ik oudere schilderijen aan het opruimen was, vond ik deze terug.
Nu ik hem na enige tijd weer terug zie, vind ik hem eigenlijk toch wel leuk, vooral van een afstand, want dan krijgt hij meer diepte.

Dit schilderij is te koop in mijn Etsy winkeltje. SOLD

Going through some of my older paintings I found this one. 
Seeing it again after some time, I actually like it better, particularly from a distance when it gets more depth.

This painting is available in my Etsy shop. SOLD

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Me gusta mucho esta versión del nudo de la foto, uno puede hacer volar la imaginación con esta imagen, muy linda acuarela!

  2. One of my favourites, it's beautiful!

  3. I can see so much in this knot. Lovely painting Judy.

  4. Interesting piece Judy! I like this one!!!

  5. I remember your knot paintings. I think they are fascinating - lovely colours and textures.

  6. I remember this one and I still think you have the magical touch! :)

  7. Judy - very lovely...amazing how you can take a simple subject and turn it into a beautiful work of art. Hope you have a great day...p.s. enjoyed seeing your other knot too..it is just as beautiful.

  8. Wat heb je weer prachtige aquarellen gemaakt. Ook die van eerder is fraai. Lieve groetjes, Marleen.

  9. Dat ziet er heel spannend uit om te maken Judy, mooi gedaan.

  10. Review your own work, after some time is always interesting!
    I really like the work of abstract realism, where I can recognize the reality ... but painting goes beyond , toward expressing painter's thoughts. Well done,dear Judy!

  11. I like it too, Judy, it has very interesting colors and texture. I remember when you were experimenting with these ropes and said you were dissatisfied. It's funny how, when we can't achieve some idea in our heads, we fail to see the potential of what we do produce.


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