25 november 2014


Om weer een beetje in een ritme van regelmatig schilderen te komen, heb ik besloten met een serie kleine schilderijtjes te beginnen. Dit is de eerste.
Ik raap altijd allerlei dingen op die ik op straat vind: veertjes, bladeren, stenen, schelpen op het strand, enz. Dit is een zwart-grijze veer, maar als je goed kijkt zie je er blauwe en paarse tinten in. Dus zo heb ik hem geschilderd.

To get back into a rhythm of painting regularly, I decided to start with a series of small paintings. This is the first.
I always pick up things I find in the street: feathers, leaves, pebbles, shells on the beach, etc. This is a black and gray feather, but when you look closely you see blue and purple shades. So that is how I painted it.

17 opmerkingen:

  1. The darkness at my window does not put me in the right condition to paint complex projects, now. To practice watercolors welcome to little works series precious and careful, as this feather-jewel!Gorgeous blues!

  2. Dear Judy - isn't it amazing when one studies a subject how many different colors can be found. This is lovely. I too enjoy painting feathers. In fact I have a box where I collect them. So delicate and fragile and yet how much warmth they provide to our little birds. Have a blessed day.

  3. Très bonne idée que cette série de petits tableaux....et le premier est tout à fait réussi !

  4. Beautiful work! I have a HUGE box of feathers from a bird sanctuary...want some? i will send you some. Please email me ....ok

  5. Lovely, Judy! I love how you rendered those soft little downy feathers that nestle closest to the bird's body.
    Kathryn XX

  6. Hi, Judy, Good work. "Enjoy" drawing. There isn't any obligation. I'm having a fun all the time. Cheers, Sadami

  7. Judy, ud es una poetisa de la acuarela, esta pluma es encantadora!

  8. When I saw the thumbnail on my blog, I was entranced. This is absolutely fantastic - and my new favourite of yours!

  9. Lovely blues, , beautifully painted feather !

  10. So leicht und wundervoll zart und das Blau, super schön!!

    Was ist das für ein Blauton? und welche Firma?

    liebe Grüße

  11. So gorgeous. Great choice of colours and beautifully delicate.

  12. I love seeing this found feather through your eyes Judy! How precious!

  13. We all seem to lose our way a little at this time of year - myself included! These small studies are a great way to keep at it when other things get in the way... And this is lovely! :0)

  14. La belleza de las cosas pequeñas que sabes resaltar como nadie.
    Un abrazo.

  15. Toujours très en délicatesse Judy! Joliment fait! Bisous

  16. Exquisite feather studies. I've never painted just a single feather before but you've definitely inspired me to try this :)


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