22 april 2015

Two trees

Het is al weer een tijdje geleden sinds mijn laatste berichtje. Ik ben wel bezig, zoals je kunt zien. Een boom in de wind en een regenboogboom, gewoon zomaar.

It has been some time since my last post. I have been busy as you can see. A wind swept tree and a rainbow tree, just for fun. 

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi, Judy, first, please find solutions for your life. You've been talking of ups and downs for these years. Home must be safe, cosy and comfy. Without a good environment, we cannot enjoy drawing. If we're not happy, we cannot create good work. We are happy to await your come back. Take your time. Kind regards, Sadami

  2. LOVE your trees! Congratulations on the award!

    I grew up and lived in a US city called Detroit in the state of Michigan. It became a dangerous place about the time I turned 10 years old. I wish I had a creative outlet to keep me sane.

    It would be great to see some of your photography on your blog if you would choose to do that. If you enjoy it so much, your photos are probably wonderful...
    It would be great to see some of your photography on your blog...

  3. Your trees are beautiful and so poetic!
    Congratulations for the award.
    Hope you will find a solution concerning the noise around you...You are very good to be able to create even if you are unhappy about your environment!

  4. Dear Judy, so sorry that you'r not happy about where you live, I know how important that is to one's well being . Could you move away maybe ?
    Your trees are wonderful , love all the free colors !

  5. Oh Wow! THANK YOU SO MUCH Judy, this is a surprise and a great one. So sweet of you to Award me, I do appreciate it and your kindness. Thanks ♥ ann

  6. Thank you for your support, dear friends!

  7. I hope everything will change to good and you will find peace. Your tree does not break up under destroying wind and your roots and branches are strong and beautiful.

  8. Thank you Irina! Exactly the meaning of the trees! :)

  9. I really enjoyed reading your post - And what a shame you are not happy where you live. I hope things get better, meanwhile you certainly paint it beautiful! :0)

  10. Your paintings are full of strength, like the trees roots! I love these two paintings!

    I am sorry to hear you are going through difficult times Judy. One would never know it by seeing your beautiful art...keep painting and taking pictures if that is what helps you through it!A big hug to you!

  11. Of the tow paintings my favorite is the one with less color?!i can't believe it - I love color so- but the darks set a mood that is compelling . Sorry for your personal issues and for the drama -hopefully it will pass soon and life will be again as you love it :)

  12. Hallo Judy, proficiat met je award, nog veel succes met je kunstwerken.
    Spijtig dat je nieuwe woonplaats niet zulke voldoening geeft als verwacht, maar dan kan het enkel maar beter worden...
    groetjes van Simonne

  13. Beautiful trees.

    Hope your living situation improves.

  14. Dear Judy-so sorry to read that you are unhappy where you are living. Peace is such an important need. Hope you can find another place. Your trees are awesome. Love your artistic interpretation of them. Take care friend. Hugs!

  15. So sorry to hear you´re not happy at your new home. Home should be your safe and comfortable place. Please look around, ask around, to find a new house for you to settle in. It is not fun or easy to move, but if you don´t like it now, maybe it is better to move ones more. Hope everything will be good for you soon. Take care. (I found a new blog now, thanks to you: the blog about tips and teqhniques.)

  16. Beautiful trees! And congratulations on your blog award.

    I hope your living situation improves and that you find a place that puts you in a happier state.

  17. Dear Judy, I'm sorry to read what you wrote about your problems ...
    I wish that everyone was always happy and content as in fairy tales.
    Painting and photograph bring joyful moments in all circumstances, as I have experienced during my therapeutic path.
    You painted, with your beautiful art skills, these trees, like us, rooted in the earth , that with branches want reaching for the sky.

    Deserved prizes for all the friends bloggers, but certainly the process is a bit 'tiring. You were right to choose an alternative way!
    See you soon here and on FB !!!
    Warm hugs, Rita.

  18. Dear Judy, the trees are awesome, each having its own character, mood and symbolism. I'm so sorry to read about your problems and can imagine how depressing and discouraging such situation can be. Unfortunately, I know way too well how destructive this is to creativity. I hope you can find some solution and regain your creative enthusiasm soon. Hugs!


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