15 oktober 2015


Het is koud en het regent, de herfst is begonnen.
De bladeren hierboven heb ik in 2011 geschilderd en ik vind ze nog steeds mooi.

Dit schilderij is te koop in mijn Etsy winkeltje. Verkocht.

It is cold and it's raining, autumn has begun.
These leaves above I painted in 2011 and I still love them.

This painting is available in my Etsy shop. Sold.

22 opmerkingen:

  1. A beautiful painting of Autumn, Judy! I love the colors that Autumn brings!!

  2. Lovely work, Judy. I like the work of chest nuts. Ah, we're in summer! Cheers, Sadami

  3. OH Judy, these both autumn paintings are really lovely. Especially the creative angle of the 2. one is an eye-catcher.

    xo, isabella

  4. Both paintings describe the beauty of this time of year. I love the richness in your colors in the chestnut painting. Have a wonderful day, Judy! xx

  5. Prachtige herfstkleuren. Echt heel mooi vooral het eerste schilderij.

  6. Judy it is always a joy to pop over here to see your beautiful talent with watercolour. Thank you for allowing me lose myself in your passion and to share it with you. Keep smiling. Enjoy your week. xx

  7. Adoro il primo acquerello è molto delicato e caldo.

  8. Mooie herfstkleuren Judy, toch wel een beetje mijn favoriete seizoen.

  9. Autumn has kicked in here too! But it offers new subjects and yours are beautiful!

  10. I really enjoyed looking at your Autumn treasures today. It's my favorite season, I hope the rain clears and you can collect some more. Happy painting.

  11. I can see why your still love those leaves! They are beautifully rendered & your background is just perfect! Your chestnut painting shouts autumn. It is everything a outstanding watercolor should be!

  12. Both gorgeous , perfect autumn paintings !

  13. I always so enjoy your paIntings Judy-autumn treasures are precious!

  14. Always lovely to see your paintings Judy.

  15. Both paintings are beautiful Judy. There is always so much this time of the year to inspire. I have a yard of leaves and acorns and hickory nuts and walnuts...hmm maybe I should bring some in to paint too. Have a lovely day friend. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Bonjour chère amie,

    Deux très belles et délicates aquarelles... Des couleurs fantastiques...
    J'aime les châtaignes ! Je viens d'acheter pour mon fils qui en raffole des marrons glacés !

    L'automne au programme vous va à ravir !

    Gros bisous ♡

  17. Hey Judi, mooie werkjes hoor, spijtig genoeg heeft de herfst hier ook zijn intrede gedaan....
    groetjes van Simonne

  18. I like the leaves too, glowing in the light. And the chestnuts too, lovely deep color. I like how you turn simple subjects into beautiful paintings, Judy. Stay warm, and let's hope for some more warm autumn days.

  19. Both of these are gorgeous Judy but your treatment of the light behind the leaves is stunning. Great work!! ;-)

  20. the autumn leaves is one of my favorites of yours judy ... the conkers are punchy


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