26 november 2015


Op zoek in tijdschriften naar gezichten en figuren om te tekenen of te schilderen, vond ik een foto van deze kleine teddybeer, en hij vroeg om geschilderd te worden. Hij ziet er verloren uit, maar ik hoop dat hij gauw gevonden wordt door een klein meisje of jongetje, en dat er weer van hem gehouden wordt!

Te koop in mijn Etsy winkeltje.

Looking in magazines for faces and figures to draw and paint, I found a photo of this little teddybear, and he asked for being painted. He looks lost, but I hope he will be found soon by a little girl or boy, and that he will be loved again! 

Available in my Etsy shop.

23 opmerkingen:

  1. He does look lost and just waiting for someone to pick him up! Would make a nice gift! Lovely job Judy! xx

  2. A lovely subject - so sweet. I hope little bear lost finds his way home soon.

  3. What a sweet painting Judy. Thank you so much for sharing not just this work but all your lovely art. Hope you have a blessed day.

  4. So cute Judy. Have a wonderful week!

  5. For what it is worth, we love him here in Ireland. Poor stuffed Teddy.

  6. So sweet Judy, wonderfully painted and a beautiful subject !

  7. Well of course I was always going to love this one! He is absolutely ADORABLE! And I love how you have painted him! :0)

  8. Hahaha... It is so funny how our eyes play tricks on us sometimes. I thought you were painting oranges from the small thumbnail I was seeing via Facebook and my ipad. I was happily surprised to find this gorgeous and cute bear upon closer inspection. Beautifully tackled. Someone I am sure will be tempted by him. xx

  9. It´s allways amazing to see your loosely painted watercolours. Love your style!

  10. Zo mooi en teder heel knap lieve groetjes Danielle

  11. He looks like he needs a friend. You made him look so lovable, he will surely find a home quickly!

  12. You painted him so beautifully Judy!! Excellent work as always.....

  13. A great pose for the little guy. Lovely painting, Judy

  14. Adorable, Judy! You have loved him by painting him.
    Kathryn XX

  15. Dit ziet er heel schattig uit Judy.
    groetjes van Simonne

  16. He is just so sweet and soft. Just like your painting of him.

  17. Yes, he looks like a figure that needed attention :) So nice of you to find him and give him life in watercolor. Lovely warm colors, cute little fellow

  18. Bonjour chère amie,

    Il est adorable ce petit ourson... J'ai de nombreux nounours à l'atelier !!
    Une superbe aquarelle, qui à l'aube de Noël ferait craquer plus d'un enfant !

    Gros gros bisous ♡

  19. He's gorgeous, Judy. What a talent you have!

  20. hi, judy, beautiful work! i'm typing with both hands from yesterday. I've started to wash a suture line with salt water in a left wrist. A caring publisher helen and sweet mentors say "concentrate on recovery for a while." I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people like you! i'm getting better. Kind regards sadami

  21. Beautifully painted Judy .... he's great!!!


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