30 april 2016

Still life challenge...

Een hele tijd geleden dat ik iets geschilderd heb. Vandaag heb ik dit stilleven geprobeerd, met neocolor II krijt en waterverf. Ik had plezier in de losse manier van schilderen. Ik hoop dat de appels nog op appels lijken.
Het is mijn interpretatie van een challenge foto van A Nos Pinceaux.

A long time since I painted anything. Today I tried my hand at this still life, using neocolor II crayons and watercolour. I enjoyed painting this in a loose way. I hope the apples still resemble apples. 
It is my interpretation of a challenge photo of A Nos Pinceaux.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. This is very beautiful Judy! I love the softness in the colors ...love your work!

  2. So beautiful, Judy! You are a master in making it fresh and light...!

  3. Perhaps it does us good to have a change of pace occassionally. Love the mixed media still life. Pastels and watercolour look as though they blend beautifully.

  4. I love the way the stripes lead your eye through the composition, beautiful!

  5. A wonderful and harmonious watercolour

  6. Love this loose style Judy. Do you enjoy working with neocolor crayons?

  7. Hi, Judy, good work. don't worry anything, but just have fun! Best wishes, Sadami

  8. Oh, yes, they are very much apples - and I love the clothe they lay upon.

  9. Lovely rendition of the original pic! I love your style Judy, spontaneous and artful!

  10. This is lovely Judy! Sings of summer! :0)

  11. Oh Judy just so soft and lovely. Yes they certainly look like apples to me. Glad you are back painting. Have a wonderful day.

  12. Judy, I always love the softness of your painting. And yes - the apples DO look like apples :)
    Kathryn XX

  13. Het is heel mooi gedaan hoor Judy, ik zie duidelijk je appels..
    groetjes van Simonne

  14. The way you painted it looks fresh and yet I love the touches of vibrant colors here and there. I recognized them as apples right away.Love the pattern on the cloth.

  15. I love how spontaneous it looks, lovely clean colors, very nice!

  16. Please do it more often. Such a talent to watercolor here, to its light, transparency and depth.

  17. Wow, beautiful work. Love the lavender/blue shadows and the gorgeous fruit!


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