23 juni 2016

Beach finds...

Als ik op het strand ben, kan ik het niet laten om schelpen op te rapen. Wie niet. Ik heb een glazen pot waar ik mijn vondsten in bewaar: schelpen, steentjes, veren, een mooie kraal....
Het zandeffect op het onderste schilderij heb ik gemaakt met aquarelpotlood en schuurpapier zodat er fijne deeltjes vallen op het vochtige papier.

Whenever I am on the beach, I cannot resist picking up some shells. Who doesn't. 
I have a glass jar where I keep my treasure finds: shells, pebbles, feathers, a lovely bead....
I made the sandeffect on the painting below with watercolour pencil and sandpaper, creating fine particles on the damp surface of the paper. 

14 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm the same, I always collect shells or interesting looking stones. Love your paintings Judy, the first one is a gorgeous colour blue, it almost shines.

  2. What a lovely summer idea!! I'm the same and I love to paint shells. Thanks for your inspiration, Judy.

  3. Both are beautiful Judy. Lovely techniques. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Really good paintings, Judy! Enjoy drawing. It's too cold for me to go to a beach and too windy, btw. Best wishes, Sadami

  5. Schitterend gedaan waan mij helemaal o het strand zo echt lieve groetjes Danielle

  6. Both of these watercolors are beautifully painted Judy!!!!!! A wonderful subject!

  7. I always enjoy hearing about your process! Your shells are gorgeous!!

  8. Gorgeous paintings, Judy! Great to see you painting again. We went to the beach last week. I am drawn to the pebbles ;-)

  9. I've been meaning to paint some shells for some time. Such lovely subjects! You have captured them beautifully :0)

  10. I like both, the smooth soft background on the first and the fine texture on the second. And both have your delicate, fluid style!

  11. Judy - I know I can't resist collecting shells when visiting the beach. You did a super job capturing the feel of sand with your watercolor pencil sanding. Lovely detail adds great texture to this piece. Hope you are having a super day.

  12. Dag Judy, ik vind de beide werken heel geslaagd hoor; het is knap hoe je het resultaat van het tweede werk bekomen hebt.
    groetjes van Simonne

  13. Really exquisitely done Judy! Love the colors, freshness and softness.

  14. i'm sure there must be more of these beautiful shell paintings :)


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