23 september 2016

Pears demo

Dit was een foto op mijn website, die inmiddels niet meer online is.
This was a photo on my website that is not online anymore.

Ik heb van mijn peren demo uit 2012 een downloadable pdf file gemaakt. Kijk bovenaan mijn blog, ga naar de pagina en klik op de link.
En nu..... eindelijk weer schilderen! :)

I made a downloadable pdf file of my pears step by step demo from 2012. Look at the top of my blog, go to the right page, and click on the link. 
And now.... finally back to painting! :) 

20 opmerkingen:

  1. Love the website. So bright and inviting. Good clear layout without lots of jumble 10/10.

    It links nicely into your etsy shop, which is similarly clean-cuy and appealing.

    Congratulations, Judy.

  2. Thank you John. I think the look now is more dynamic than just a static display of paintings. It invites to click and take a further look, I hope.

  3. What a great website Judy, well done. I looked at website setting up once and gave up!

  4. Fantastic website Judy, congrats!!!

    and I love you apple painting a lot.


  5. Beautiful. And very "yours" in design and taste. You give me inspiration

  6. Het is echt prachtig geworden, Judy! Ik vind jouw kleuren zo mooi! Echt genieten, zo alles bij elkaar!

  7. Heel goed gedaan Judy, ik wens je nog een fijn weekend,
    groetjes van Simonne

  8. Hi, Judy, your website is gorgeous! Best wishes, Sadami

  9. I love your new website Judy!!!! Excellent job!

  10. Love the website Judy. I would know your work anywhere. It's outstanding.

  11. A very inviting site, Judy - I enjoyed looking around!

  12. Both apples and pears are super beautiful, and your web site is very well made . My daughter made my website, I wouldn't know where to start !

  13. Dear Judy I visited your web site. It is so well done. Great to see your lovely watercolors all in one place. Love your pears. Hope you have a great week. Hugs!

  14. Lovely website! I remember those pears and trying that pdf. Great instruction and very clear.

  15. Wonderful new website Judy! Love your work!

  16. Very friendly website! Clean looking it shows off your art beautifully.

  17. Your website highlights your artwork wonderfully and easy to use!

  18. I think your website looks beautiful and really simple to navigate too. Great job! And I love your paintings! Especially those apples :0)

  19. you've worked really hard on your new layout ...all the best with it


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