09 december 2016

christmas cards

Dit jaar heb ik kerstschilderijtjes van voorgaande jaren gebruikt om kleine plaatjes te printen die ik op witte kaarten heb geplakt.

Een fijne decembermaand gewenst!


This year I used Christmas paintings of previous years to print small pictures that I glued onto white cards.

Wish you a happy December!

13 opmerkingen:

  1. I am sure these Christmas cards will make people happy and smiling.
    Sorry about the damage in the room, but maybe for the better in a way, as you will enforce your creative powers during this unexpected pause.
    And thank you for the link, Judy. It caught me by surprise, this fast moving slideshow!

  2. Hey Judy, je kaarten zijn mooi zo vind ik, die witte kader maakt het echt af !
    groetjes van Simonne

  3. Your Christmas cards are always a beauty , such a shame you had damage in your painting room. Hope nothing was ruined !

  4. Mooie kaarten. Leuk ze te zien. De doos met kerstballen wil ik ooit ook eens maken, maar durf niet. Jammer dat je lekkage hebt. En helemaal fantastisch de tip voor de slideshow.

  5. I always look forward to your paintings Judy! Hope everything is well !!!! Hugs!!!

  6. What a refreshing picture you post - lovely! Thanks for the link to Cincopa

  7. Hi Judy,
    this is such a lovely series with unique and beautiful Judy Art painting. I love all of them and everyone could be happy to receive one of the.

    So sorry to hear from your studio accident. I feel with you :(

    Send you much love,

    I'll try the new slideshow creator too, such a marvelous idea.

  8. Your cards are beautiful, I love your new slide show! It is a wonderful idea, thank you for sharing the link. I hope you a have your painting area back soon!

  9. Your cards are amazing. What a lovely idea. I am sure the recipients will be so happy to receive such a beautiful gift. Sorry to read about your water damage. Hope it will soon be repaired. Thank you for the link. Will check it out. So nice of you to share. Have a great week friend. Hugs!

  10. good idea to make prints for a selection of christmas cards judy ...hope you are back in your studio painting soon ...thanks for the link

  11. Thank you for the link, is very useful...
    Merry Christmas!

  12. Comments closed because of spam. Sorry!
