10 januari 2018

feathers 4...

Fijn om weer veren te schilderen. 
Dit zijn grijsbruine eendeveren, die ik wat meer kleur heb gegeven.

Happy to paint feathers again.
These are greyish brown duckfeathers that I gave a bit more colour.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. They really are so feather-like that they may blow away at the merest breath of a breeze - lovely painting.

  2. Judy, lovely work. Please take care and enjoy it more and more. Best wishes, Sadami

  3. Dear Judy - loving your feathers. You have captured the delicate beauty of them so well. Hope life is good! Hugs.

  4. Judy, your work is wonderful ...... LOVE these feathers..delicate and beautiful!

  5. Awesome and light , just the way they should be !

  6. The trio of the same object makes quite an impact especially with the colors you have chosen, stunning work!! Hugs!

  7. Hi Judy, Happy New Year! Love these beautiful feathers, so fresh!

  8. beautiful work wonderful vibrant colours


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