01 juli 2012

IJslollies... Popsicles...

Voor mijn blogvrienden in Zuid-Europa waar het erg warm is momenteel, een beetje verkoeling.

For my blogfriends in Southern Europe where it's very hot at the moment, a little refreshment.

38 opmerkingen:

  1. What a yummy and lovely watercolor, Judy!

    I agree with Sonia, your blog do have a heart

  2. Hola,
    muy delicado, precioso.
    Muchas felicidades por el premio.

    Un abrazo

  3. Beautiful, delicate and delicious ice cream !!! Congratulations on the Blog Award! The award confirms what I feel is true ...
    Always your sincere feelings in your pages!THANKS:JUDY!!!

  4. Judy, your lollies are fabulous...wonderful washes ! And congrats on your very well deserved award !

  5. You can't lick (beat) a good painting, Judy!!

    Steady on with those Ice-lollies you Southerners ... remember the Titanic!!

    Anything warm & dry for us flooded and cold Northerners?

  6. Hi Judy, your beautiful ice creams are absolutely what we need here, in these incredibly hot days!! Have a nice week!

  7. Hi Judy! Those ice lollies look very cold and thirst quenching - but I think hot soup may be a better idea over here at the moment ;)

  8. Oops sorry - congratulations on the well-deserved blog award!

  9. Ahh yes, and we need them. Beautiful love your technique.. lost and found.

  10. Precioso y delicado. Enhorabuena por el premio.

  11. What a thoughtful yummy idea Judy. Great painting that looks very scrumptious indeed. I'm the same as Michael though, a hot drink or some hot punch would go down better under this dreary rainy cloudy sky. Thanks for sharing and I just love seeing where you find your inspiration. Take care. Laura x

  12. Congradulations, Judy. And your popsicles look delightfully yummy!

  13. congrats on the award...your ice sticks are tempting!

  14. Lekker............. en mooi geschilderd.

  15. Hallo lieve Judy:) Allereerst natuurlijk van harte gefeliciteerd met je Blog Award. Welverdiend vanwege je persoonlijkheid en mooie schilderijen! Ik weet hoe je tegen awards aankijkt maar kennelijk worden ze je toch zeer gegund:)
    Wat een lief gebaar die ijsjes! En heel mooi geschilderd. En heel origineel. Ik wil wel graag een paar warme sokken. Ik heb nog steeds koude voeten!

  16. felicidades,
    unos trabajos encantadores.
    un abrazo.

  17. I can taste them melting, Judy!
    Gorgeous popsicles xx

  18. Thank you EVERYONE!

    For the 'Northerners' maybe I'll paint a still life of a warm scarf, hot soup, an umbrella and rubber boots. I'll think about it. :)

  19. Haha - yes spare a thought for us all up here with our welly boots, umbrellas and hot drinks! Great painting Judy

  20. I love the softness of your paintings!!! Beautiful piece.

  21. It is very hot here in Toronto too, so I'll help myself with one of these :) They look yummy!

  22. Delicious ice cream, thanks! Great washes, it's a refreshing watercolor.
    Congrats on the award. Hugs.

  23. Mmmmmm, water op water. Groetjes, Marleen.

  24. In Poland is hot as well, so many thanks for this COOL watercolor!

  25. So very light and lovely! A light touch I'd love to emulate. You're inspiring Judy!

  26. Preciosa acuarela, refrescante y multicolor. ¡Un abrazo! y muchas gracias por los cumplidos ¡¡

  27. The popsicles are as wonderful as the pears... and oh so delicious!

  28. These look so refreshing. Beautifully done.

  29. Thank you, Sharon, Hilda, Blaga, Conchi, Marleen, Maga, Christy! And also thank you Sonia, Barbra Joan and John!

    I wish cool to everyone who needs it, and sunshine to the ones who need a little better weather!

  30. looks like they might melt into one ! ....fun
    welldone on your award judy .

  31. Just beautiful! I love these popsicles. The colors are unbelievably delicate.

  32. Hi Cindy, thanks for your visit! Your animals are fantastic!

  33. Beautiful work.....just what is needed here on Sicily!

  34. Hi Cathy! Help yourself, if they are not melted by now! ;)

  35. this made me smile....as I was "trying" to paint popsicles this week in a bowl....what a MESS....I cannot paint fast enough...they melted and I HAD to eat the darn things before I could get any decent painting done and look at these beauties!!! I will have to take up this project in winter I suppose:)


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