05 juli 2012

Groene weiden... Green pastures...

Vorig jaar waren mijn zoon en ik in de provincie Noord-Brabant, een prachtig stuk van Nederland met bos afgewisseld met boerderijen, maisvelden en weelderige groene weiden.
Het leven is goed in het Brabantse land, zegt het liedje.

Last year my son and I were in the province of North Brabant, a lovely part of Holland with woodland interspersed with farms, cornfields and lush green meadows. 
Life is good in Brabant, says the song.

45 opmerkingen:

  1. beautiful greens Judy and lovely w in w effects in the foreground

  2. Schitterend landschap Judy. De overgang weggetje naar veld is ook super mooi. gewoon klasse en genieten geblazen.
    groetjes Marja

  3. Beautiful landscape, Judy! It's very similar (flat) countryside around here of course :) I love the way you have reversed the approach with a soft foreground - a truly lovely piece with nice depth :)

  4. Dear Judy, a watercolor very well done that transmits a great
    The sweetness is just a feature of ALL your work to my eyes!
    You are very special person, sweet as your watercolors!

  5. Thank you Sharon, I love the foreground too!

    Dankjewel Marja, ik ben er erg tevreden over, mag ook wel eens. :)

    Thank you Michael, I appreciate your comment very much! You surely recognize the poplar trees to protect the farm from wind. I was going to paint more detailed grasses in the foreground, but I am glad I stopped in time.

    Rita, thank you, you make me blush! It was a nice place with nice people, and I am glad that you can see that in the painting.

  6. Oooooh wat mooi Judy! Ik snap niet dat je niet vaker landschappen doet. Geweldig!

  7. Dankjewel Renate! Ik was wel van plan om meer landschappen te doen, maar het kwam er maar niet van.

  8. just lovely ... such delicate colours. This reminds me of the many times over the years we spent driving around Holland. One of my first ever pictures was a Dutch windmill.

  9. This is so lovely! I like the blooms in the foreground - It gives the feeling of long, swaying grass :0)

  10. Hi, Judy,
    Really lovely, this work relaxes me. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Cheers, Sadami

  11. John, thank you! North Brabant and Limburg (Roermond) are the most southern provinces of the Netherlands, so I'm sure you recognize this kind of landscape. Windmills are found further north, where they used to regulate groundwater levels.

    Sandra, thanks! I like the blooms too!

    Thank you Sadami, that green is very relaxing!

  12. welch herrlicher platz, tja da kann ich mir vorstellen, dass das leben so richtig spaß macht.
    ein traumhaft schönes aquarell
    lg maria

  13. Ah Judy fabulous work. You have achieved that dreamy loose effect that I always strive for and can never manage. Take care. Laura x

  14. North Brabant looks wonderful, Judy, and you have captured the scene so beautifully!!

  15. A beautiful landscape...very nordic...feels a lot like home for me, gorgeously painted !

  16. What a great landscape Judy! Love the soft wash in the foreground too.

  17. Danke vielmals, Maria!

    Laura, thank you! I'm glad you like it!

    Thank you Kathryn, I'd like to paint more of those green fields, I love them!

    Hi Jane, yes I'm sure the landscape in Denmark is similar!

    Thank you, Ann!

  18. Con el miedo que tengo a los verdes!, tu te recreas en esas praderas pintadas tan libremente, como algo natural

  19. Dit is ook heel dromerig geschilderd ik zie je zo in de wei liggen fijne avond groetjes Danielle

  20. Judy es una paisaje magnífico. Te felicito. ¡Un abrazo!

  21. Hi Judy, this a fantastic landscape, I like everything in it, particularly the magic light! Bellissimo!

  22. Mi piacciono molto questi lavori un pò evanescenti e pieni di luce. Elvi

  23. I like the effect you got there in the foreground. And the soft touch on top of the distant trees behind the house. It looks like the sun is touching the trees. Good work Judy!

  24. I'm a fan of the foreground, too. It works to show off the background.


  25. Hingehaucht. Leicht und transparent.
    Grüsse Dich

  26. Muchas gracias Tina y Sonia, dankjewel Danielle, thank you Catharina and Jeneen, grazie mille Tito e Elvi, danke vielmals Janine!!

  27. Heel mooi Judy! Mooie balans van zachte en harde overgangen.

  28. Very beautiful with this wet-in-wet blur in the foreground and just enough detail in the background. Creates a very serene feeling. Life must be good there :) Have a lovely weekend, Judy!

  29. 2de poging. Vanmorgen kreeg ik een foutmelding tijdens het plaatsen van een reactie.

    Mooi geschilderd Judy. Het komt heel erg zacht over, alsof er iets van mist hangt. Mooie kleuren bij elkaar.

  30. Dankjewel Erik, leuk dat je langskwam!

    Thank you Blaga! I can't help working wet, and I am glad it turned out this nice.

    Muchas gracias, Antonio!

    Dankje Renske! Wat raar dat het eerst niet ging, maar ja, Blogger heeft wel vaker kuren.

  31. Je hebt weer mooie aquarellen gemaakt. Ik heb een tijdje niet geblogt. Weer even genoten.
    Groetjes, Annet

  32. Hoi Annet! Fijn dat je genoten hebt!

  33. This has a dream like quality, very soft and lovely.

  34. Judy, what a delightful and tranquil scene! I tried an "Old Gouda" from Holland today. Cherrybrook Farms had just received an order in....so good!!

  35. This is a beautiful watercolor, Judy!! I love the softness in this piece. Your work is so good!!!!

  36. Your watercolors are amazing. I like so much you technical washes paints. I, d like every paints in your blog. Congratulations. Please, see my little blog, I,d be very glad with your comments. Thanks

  37. Wat een heerlijk rustig plaatje. Zo mooi dromerig. Hier wil ik wel lopen. Groetjes, Marleen.

  38. A bright watercolor with beautiful greens. Great landscape!

  39. Karen, Laura (mmmm Old Gouda!), Hilda, Eva (welcome!), Marleen, Ashok, Conchi: THANK YOU!

  40. what a beautiful atmosphere you created...just wonderful!!

  41. I like your landscapes! This one and the latest two are so colorful and atmospheric.
    Though the apple or two could look very good if added somewhere in foreground)))

  42. Una acuarela preciosa, el prado parece terciopelo.

    Un saludo

  43. Cynthia, Irina (funny!), Rosa, thank you!


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