02 augustus 2012

I'll be back...

Lieve blogvrienden,

Na twee en een half jaar schilderen (bijna dagelijks) en 2 jaar bloggen (één à twee keer per week),
 ga ik een tijdje blogpauze houden.
Maar… ik kom terug, ik beloof het!
Dankjewel voor al jullie steun door de jaren!
Een hug en een appel voor jullie allemaal!


Dear blogfriends,

After two and a half years of painting (almost daily) and 2 years of blogging (once or twice a week), 
I am going to take a blog break.
But ... I’ll be back, I promise!
Thank you for all your support through the years! 
A hug and an apple for all of you!


67 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Judy I miss you! You were a precious friend and I've helped at a time when my blog was still a project ...
    I understand well that study, work concentrated on his painting without worrying about other things can 'be important for an artist, at some point...


    Succes en een fijne tijd
    groetjes Marja

  3. Rita, don't forget: I will be back and I will visit your blog! I just need some time for me. Thank you!

    Marja, dankjewel, ik kom zeker terug. Gewoon even opladen inderdaad.

  4. I can well understand - I've only been blogging since the end of June and can see how much time it takes up - difficult to keep up if there are things you need to focus on - it's important to recognise when you need to take that break and concentrate on an aspect of your life which you feel needs attention - wish you the very best and hope it's not too long - you've been a great support to my blog since it started recently and I've been honoured to receive your lovely comments, take care of you xxx

  5. Love the one of the brushes! I'm getting to that point (again!) too, Judy, so I know how you feel. You'll be sorely missed by all your followers .. but enjoy the break :)

  6. Wishing you a fun and productive time ...I will miss your posts:( and I know exactly what you are talking about in this post...was just talking about the same subject to a painting friend last week. Take care,,,,

  7. Judy, we zullen je erg missen, maar ik begrijp dat je even tijd wil voor jezelf en wens je veel succes .

  8. Heel begrijpelijk Judy. Succes met het gebruiken van nieuw materiaal en je blogbreak.

  9. Vergeet ik helemaal te zeggen dat ik het schilderijtje met kwasten en je appel met strik schitterend vind.

  10. Hi Judy, I know how you feel, it happened also to me. From time to time, we need to focus on what we have done and on what we want to do in the next future. Have a good and profitable break. We will miss you! Hug.

  11. I will miss you alot! But take care now and keep on with your wonderful paintings. I will look forward to see them later on. And never stop believing in yourself because you are a great artist and I love your art! So; until them; I will see you in my blog then.

  12. You certainly deserve a break! And we all need one of those from time to time. Enjoy it! And I hope you get something out of it that you will be really pleased about - new inspiration maybe? Anyway - I love your brushes! Fabulous! :0)

  13. ich war und bin sehr gerne auf deinem blog........deine wunderschönen aquarelle sind sehr ansprechend und tragen deine handschrift........ich bin noch nicht lange hier, aber auch ich werde dich vermissen......dennoch ich wünsche dir eine gute "auszeit", genieße die zeit für dich und ich freue mich, dich hier wiederzusehen.........
    bis irgendwann einmal, alles liebe und gute

  14. Thank you so much Sharon! I love your work and will continue to enjoy your paintings!

    Michael thank you! I have appreciated your comments and support very much! Blogging is great, and I love all the lovely people I've met online. But it is also time and energy consuming, esp. with a busy job like you have. I know you understand!

    Thank you Cynthia! You take care too!

    Dankjewel Simonne! Ik blijf je volgen!

    Dankjewel Renske! Ben benieuwd wanneer jij weer actief wordt in blogland! We wachten af! :)

    Tito, thank you for understanding! Hug!

    Thank you so much Catharina! I see you on your blog!

    Thank you Sandra! I hope to find new inspiration! I'll keep visiting your blog and admire your wonderful bears!

    Thank you Helena! Cheers, and good luck with the exhibition!

    Danke Maria für deine freundlichen Worte! Ich würde gerne deinen Blog besuchen und deine wundervolle Arbeit bewundern.

  15. Espero tu regreso y poder ver nuevos trabajos, disfruta.
    ¡Excelentes acuarelas!

  16. Dear Judy,
    I hope you will recharge yourself well. Enjoy life and art fully. Look forward to your next post in the future.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  17. Love your paintings Judy-enjoy your time and your art. This will be a valuable vacation!

  18. My dear Judy, I will miss you, but I understand your need for re-charging, and a break from blogging. I think I am almost at that point myself. I wish you well!

  19. Muchas gracias, Sergio, I hope so too!

    Hi Sadami, thank you! I may stop blogging for a while but I keep painting!

    Thank you Christy! I hope it will be!

    Dear Kathryn, thank you! I don't know how it will turn out, but it feels good so far!

  20. oh ist mein blog nicht zu finden.....na dann mal gleich meine blogadresse
    .....aber erst nach deiner auszeit, jetzt geht mal avb zum entspannen, relasen oder wie sagt man heute "chillen"........, ich sag dir was ich bleib bei entspannen.......
    ganz liebe grüße maria

  21. I'll miss you, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do! Make the most out of it. I see you when you'll get back
    Warm regards.

  22. Judy You will be missed. I know what you mean and I've only been blogging for a few months. We all need time and space. Take care and keep enjoying your painting as that is the most important thing. Hugs. Laura x

  23. Jammer dat je weg gaat maar inderdaad ik ben nog maar net met de blog bezig soms kom ik niet aan mijn hobby toe dus heel begrijpelijk en zet hem op en ga van alle dingen genieten maak er wat moois van misschien een hele nieuwe inzichten we zullen het zien heel veel succes en bedankt voor alle reactie groetjes Danielle

  24. Ahhhh...I know the feeling. So have an enjoyable break and come back refreshed my blog friend....will miss you.

  25. He toppertje! Wat een lieve berichtjes allemaal:) En heel veel herkenning! En prompt maak je twee schitterende aquarellen, heel mooi. We spreken elkaar:)

  26. Il est parfois nécessaire de faire une pose. J'espère te revoir les pinceaux plein d'entrain avec de nombreuses idées en tête. Bonne retraite et à bientôt donc. Bises !!

  27. Judy you will be missed, as will your lovely paintings and your comments. Your watercolors are so skillfully done, it's hard for me to imagine you need to work on your techniques. Enjoy your break. Blogging is consuming and does take valuable time away from other pursuits. Soak in whatever it is you need and reburst upon the scene the better for it. God Bless.

  28. Maria, Missverständnis gelöst! :) Liebe Grüsse!

    Thank you Konstantina! I like that: a girl has to do what a girl has to do! :)

    Thank you Laura! Happy painting!

    Dankje Danielle! Ja bloggen is leuk, het heeft me veel gebracht, maar er gaat best wat tijd in zitten. Nu even niet, maar ik blijf wel bij je langskomen hoor!

    Hi Ann, thank you! You keep three blogs so you are entitled to the feeling! But you take lots of trips to relax in between blogging! :)

    Dag toppertje terug! :) De appel had ik nog op de plank liggen! We spreken elkaar!

    Merci beaucoup Lydie, et au revoir! Bises!

  29. Thank you so much Linda, I'll visit your blog as much as I can! God bless!

  30. Happy inward journey, Judy. And come back soon.

  31. HOLA Judy.
    extrañaré tus hermosas obras y cálidos comentarios, pero los cambios siempre tienen que ser muy bien recibidos, asi que te deseo mucha SUERTE en tus nuevos proyectos. Abrazos!!!!!

  32. Dear Judy, everyone needs a vacation, even from the activities we like. Enjoy your "time off", relax and recharge. I will miss you, but will be that much happier when you're back.
    And you are so nice to let us know in advance, unlike some irresponsible individuals who just disappeared for a month ;)


  34. Maga thank you!

    Mercedes, muchas gracias!

    Blaga, thank you! It may be more than a month. ;)

    Xara, thank you!

  35. Hallo Judy,
    Succes met jouw blogbreak. Ik hoop dat je snel terug bloggen. Pas goed op jezelf en neem lekker rust.

  36. I am feeling the same way Judy! I believe a break from our social media will be beneficial. I wish you a wonderful summer and look forward to re-connecting with you. Best wishes in your creative pursuits!

  37. I miss you already, Judy!!! I hope you will be back soon but understand needing a break from art!!. Its always wonderful visiting your blog and gorgeous paintings. Your watercolors are always such a lovely treat to see! Come back soon!!

  38. will miss your art...hope to see u back soon!

  39. Merci Loulune!

    Dankjewel Cora! Ik kom zeker terug.

    Have a wonderful summer break too, Laura!

    Thank you Hilda, you are so kind!

    Ashok, thanks!

  40. I'll miss you, Judy! but I totally understand. I'll be here whenever you decide to come back. Happy painting to you too. Lots of love, Anamaria

  41. Judy, enjoy your blog again soon inside but I will miss you!

  42. YOU will be missed enjoy your obligation free break from the blog world.... hope to see you bloggin again soon!

  43. Πολύ όμορφοι οι πίνακες σου!!!Περιμένουμε και άλλους ... μετά το διάλειμμά σου!!!!

  44. I'm close to doing the same as you Judy. I also run an art forum and between that and blogging I struggle to find time for my art. Have a good break but don't forget to come back ... we'll miss you.

  45. Thank you Anamaria! Lots of love to you!

    Beti, thank you for your kind words! I saw you changed your blog!

    Cathy thank you, I hope to be back soon!

    Thank you Marilene!

    Hi John, running an art forum as well must take a lot of time. I am surprised to read how many people think of taking a break too. I hope you take time for your art! See you when I am back!

  46. Good for you! I wish you the best.

  47. Soms heb je even een pauze nodig. Experimenteren is goed om nieuwe wegen voor jezelf te vinden zonder de druk van je blog. Ik ben benieuwd naar de nieuwe Judy!

  48. Take care of yourself, Judy, and come back to your blogger friends when you are ready and strong. I thoroughly enjoy seeing your work.

  49. Jeneen, thank you!

    Dankje Erik, wel een druk om met iets goeds terug te komen.... :)

    Thank you Sadeu!

    Thank you Susan!

  50. Dag Judy,

    Ik las dat je een blogstop ingelast hebt, maar ik wil toch nog even reageren.
    Prachtig, ontzettend knap wat je gedaan hebt. Ik vind aquareleren erg moeilijk, zo af en toe probeer ik het nog wel eens, soms lukt het wel, maar meestal ben ik niet erg tevreden over mijn werk. Ik heb mij meer op acryl verven gestort.
    Ik zal je blog in de gaten houden als je weer komt.

    Lieve groetjes, Joke

  51. I'll be waiting for you, Judy! I'll miss your paintings, and the way they inspire me, but I understand. I've taken internet breaks several times over the years, and they are very important. You have to follow your instinct, and you know when you need a break to decompress. It always turns out to be good for me, and I hope it will be helpful for you, too. Don't set any time limit for yourself...just go with your instinct. When you're ready to come back, you'll know it. Don't force it. We love you! RoseAnn

  52. Joke wat leuk! Ik ga straks op je blog kijken, tot ziens!

    Thank you RoseAnn! I will!

  53. So you are on vacation. It sounds so right and so healthy.
    Sometimes I think we are all more or less zombies, hidden from real life behind our monitors.
    I try to control my time in internet, but it still wins and keeps devouring my time, memory, attention and concentration.
    I wish you to reach all your goals! Be free.

  54. Judy, I understand perfectly what you are saying.. I've come close to doing that myself. Keeping a blog and visiting others takes a lot of time and we all need a break. Hope to see you back here.
    I'll look for you... hugs, BJ

  55. Aaaah, wat jammer. Maar ik heb er begrip voor, maar toch. :-) :-(.
    Ik hoop dat je heel snel weer inspiratie hebt. We zullen je missen. Groetjes, Marleen.

  56. Hi Judy,

    I have followed your art silently (with pretty much no comments). And I do follow many other blogs and keep up with mine. I do not blog for others as much as I blog for myself. My blog became the place where are place not only my art but my thoughts my stories. Yes through blogs we "share" but we also need to remember that the blogging is mostly for us as Artists.

    Your art is very unique and fresh. Come to your blog in a few weeks or so and look at it with other eyes. I've played with my blog recently and made a book through blog2print website. It was already a second volume. And by going through page y page (you don't need to order the book, you can see a preview for free) I all of a sudden saw the progress of me as an Artist and a Soul. Try it, and you will answer a lot of questions.

    So this comments is probably the longest comment I've ever written. But I really wanted to let you knwo that besides doing a great job on blogging and attracting so many artists to your blog (which again is not a sole purpose here) you grew a mile, you became a better person, you learned so much.

    Sorry if I bore you.

    I just wanted to wish you a very good time painting.


  57. Irina, Barbra Joan, thank you for understanding.

    Marleen, ik kom vast en zeker terug, als het weer begint te kriebelen.

    Irina, thank you for your comment, I know what you mean, I made a book of my blog last year. Now I need to focus on how and where I want to go next.

  58. Tell me you're not serious! What will we do? You will be missed - get back soon!

  59. Thank you for your comment so much! Good luck in real world!

  60. Enjoy your break, Judy: rest, and explore, and live your life! I wish you to find what you search: we are all here to wait you when you will decide to return.
    A big hug, dear friend!

  61. keep in touch judy ... enjoy your break hugs jane

  62. Enjoy the 'freedom'...will look forward to seeing your lovely works again. Big hug from Denmark and me !

  63. I think your work is lovely. Looking forward to you coming back and sharing work. Hoping you feel refreshed very soon!

  64. Thank you everyone! I am so overwhelmed by all your comments!

    Jenny, welcome to my blog! I found yours and I am a follower now!


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