16 oktober 2012

Winter landscape...

Geschilderd naar een foto van Janet Bowden op Paint my Photo, getiteld Winter Morning.

Painted from a photo by Janet Bowden on Paint my Photo, called Winter Morning. 

34 opmerkingen:

  1. I like your use of wet-in-wet in the landscapes, creating these fluid, delicious colors. Both are very beautiful!

  2. Thank you Blaga! I'd like to do the first one again, in a bigger size and leaving out even more details.

  3. Deux aquarelles toutes en douceur... et tendresse.
    gros bisous

  4. Lovely style making great watercolour landscapes.

  5. Very nice. I never heard of Paint my Photo. I'd have to consider that. I always thought I'd better stick with my own in case I would be treading on someone's creative effort. Interesting. Though I hate winter, I like the tree; they are beautiful when bare/

  6. WOW Judy dit is fantastisch mooi. Zo sereen (en schitterend) van kleur. De tweede is mijn favoriet. Super mooi.
    groetjes Marja

  7. Absolutely beautiful ..both of them! The softness of your paintings are definitely your signature!!!

  8. Dear Judy, two watercolors and both special!As said Hilda, this softness (and I add the sweetness)  is
      your signature!

  9. Me gustan los colores del otoño que tu has reflejado con tanta sensibilidad.

  10. Tout en douceur ces deux paysages. J'adore les petites notes chaudes dans le deuxième.

  11. Fantastisch schilderijen, Judy. Maar mijn favoriet is de eerste. De kleuren zijn schitterend.

  12. Belos trabalhos! Uma delícia de Outono com um pé no Inverno. Beijos. M. Emília

  13. I love winter scenes and your tree is magnificent! Both are very atmospheric and well done!

  14. Merci beaucoup, thank you so much, muchas gracias, dankjewel!!

  15. Both truly lovely, wonderful atmosphere , love the tree in the second one. xx

  16. Hola Judy :) Las dos acuarelas son hermosas. Tienen misterio y son agradables a la vista. Un abrazo.

  17. Gorgeously soft and sensitive paintings Judy :0)

  18. Hi Judy, both watercolors are wonderful! I am fascinated by the colors and light of the second one. A hug. Ciao.

  19. Judy, I do like the softness of your landscapes. Winter Morning is beautiful. I love the subtle flow of the background, and the simplicity of the scene!

  20. Ik ben helemaal verliefd op de tweede! Alhoewel ik de eerste ook heel mooi vind, spreken de sombere kleuren in de tweede mij meer aan. Heel mooi! Groetjes:)

  21. Hi Judy. Both paintings are gorgeous! I especially adore Winter Morning!! The colours are fantastic!
    Warm regards.

  22. Hola JUDY. Las dos acuarelas son hermosas, me encanta el realismo y colorido de la segunda. Felicitaciones!!!!!

  23. Hi! Both paintings are beautiful, but.. i can't stop watching the tree, is fantastic.

  24. Ciao Judy, meravigliosi, due paesaggi da fiaba.

  25. Judy These are lovely with fabulous atmosphere and beautiful fresh washes in both. Your tree is just stunning. The branches hang so naturally. I'm very envious of your tree painting ability. Well done you. :-)

  26. Hi Judy! You're a wonderful artist! both works are beautiful, but the first one is very special! Judy style! Love it! Congrats!!!

  27. Thank you everyone! Sorry I don't answer all of you individually. Interesting to see that some of you prefer the first one and others the second one. ;)

  28. I love both of these paintings. Bottom one with less colours but very beautyful sky, wet in wet. And the second one with vibrant and fresh colours. Lovely! Well done! :)

  29. Die boom is echt super mooi!
    Doet al heel winters aan.

  30. I really like your watercolor work, Judy! beautiful greys snowy atmosphere.

  31. Dat zijn mooie landschap aquarellen geworden. Die mooie kleuren van de bladeren die zo mooi in elkaar overlopen.
    Groet, Annet


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