04 mei 2015

My red shoes...

Kan niet wachten tot het zomer is en ik mijn rode schoenen weer kan dragen.
Can't wait till it's summer and I can wear my red shoes again.

28 opmerkingen:

  1. You did an excellent job Judy! I love your spring onions below too! I really like the white square in both compositions.
    I hope you get to wear your red shoes soon too, I have something similar in blue.

  2. Great painting of your shoes...I would be wanting Summer to hurry up too if I had those to look forward to.

  3. Congrats, Judy, really a good work! Best wishes, Sadami

  4. While waiting for summer...I admire your beautiful art work,dear Judy!

  5. Wow, awesome painting, great subject !

  6. Oh Judy - wonderful work on those red shoes. Hope summer is on its way so you can wear them soon. Take care and have a great week.

  7. Open peep toe must be in then. Like Celia I have a similar pair in blue too. :-) Great work with the pale areas and tones. They are not easy to control. Fabulous painting. Have fun wearing your shoes soon.

  8. And what beautiful shoes they are!!

  9. I love your shoe painting!!! Hope it's warm soon, so you can wear the real ones :)
    Kathryn XX

  10. Beautiful summer shoes. Shoes are always source of painting pleasure, always have a story to tell about their owner and his(her) adventures.

  11. What a lovely subject! Gorgeous!

  12. Excellent painting, Judy! I love all the colors in the shoes...nice
    work as always!!!!

  13. Looking great. And I´m looking forward to wear my sandals. :)

  14. I just love your last few paintings they are stunning .the way you subtlety manipulate the paint is amazing

  15. Ziet er heel mooi uit Judy Lieve groetjes Danielle

  16. Love your red shoes and more so how you painted them. They are almost in the clouds. Your love of them shows in each stroke.

  17. Red shoes to me mean "carefree". I love how you painted them

  18. Love the subject and love the shoes!

  19. The angels wanna wear my red shoes.

    great painting. I love red shoes.

  20. Knap werk! Laat die zomer nu maar komen en lang blijven ook !
    groetjes van Simonne

  21. Best foot Forward Judy ... and these are just the job. Great painting.

  22. Beautifully done, Judy! as always...I'm glad to be back blogging after losing access to my blog for months!

  23. LOve your shoes Judy! I have a red pair of slippers that I can't resign myself to throw away, Hugs


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