03 juni 2015


Ze zijn maar heel kort verkrijgbaar bij de bloemist, deze siererwten. Dus ik moest snel de gelegenheid aangrijpen om ze te schilderen.

They are only available at the florist's for a short time, these sweet peas. So I had to seize the opportunity to paint them. 

26 opmerkingen:

  1. Lovely work, Judy! "Enjoy" watercolour. No pressure.
    Cheers, best wishes, Sadami

  2. Aww, these are one of my most favourite flowers (although I have a few a really like), but the smell of these I adore, plus their unusual square stems (well, I think they are). If you should ever grow any, they keep going and going if you cut the flowers ----as it encourages new ones. Love your painting and the photo with your little dishes of gorgeous colours waiting there on your table.

  3. They are exquisite, Judy! I especially like the first painting. And I liked seeing your work area :)
    Kathryn XX

  4. Bonjour chère amie,

    Les pois de senteur sont des fleurs que j'aime beaucoup. Ils sont si aériens et pas faciles à peindre ! J'ai peint une fois un gros panier de pois de senteur.
    Bravo pour ce charmant bouquet aux sublimes couleurs.
    Vos photos sont superbes et permettent de vous imaginer au travail !

    Gros bisous ♡

  5. Both fab sweet pea studies. Love the dishes. xx

  6. Sweet peas are one of my favourites, Judy, and these of yours are no exception - lovely!

  7. I love seeing your work space! Beautiful work on the sweet peas!

  8. These are so pretty! Such beautiful colours :0)

  9. I love sweet peas and their perfume , but so hard to find here . Two beautiful paintings !

  10. Un trabajo resuelto con una gran elegancia. Enhorabuena.

  11. Only one painting would load for me, the center one. Lovely.

  12. Preciosas, que elegancia de trazo y que soltura!

  13. How perfect your beautiful light touch is for these sweet peas Judy

  14. Painter happiness, with flowers, fresh and colorful models, gave so fresh masterpieces !!! Bravo, Judy!

  15. Judy- just so soft and beautiful. I can almost smell them. Hugs

  16. Amazing piece Judy! I love the colors and your previous painting of the pear is fantastic....so soft!!

  17. Greatpost! love how you use plates for a palette. Not sure which painting i love more,but sweet peas are my favorite!

  18. They so very beautiful, your peas paintings!! So soft and loose worked !!

  19. Als ik je siererwten zien, komt de herinnering van mijn kindertijd weer boven, mijn oma had deze in de tuin staan....heerlijke geuren.
    groetjes van Simonne

  20. leuk om te zien hoe je dat doet, al die kleine bordjes met verf. Ik vind de kleuren zo goed getroffen en dat is zoooooooo moeilijk. Ik vind het prachtig.

  21. Simply beautiful. I know I've said this before, but your paintings are what every watercolor should be!!

  22. Zet ze in de tuin, Judy, komen elk jaar weer, tenminste, ik doe de zaden elke keer weer in de grond en dan verschijnen ze elk jaar weer..prachtig die lathyrus en helemaal mooi hoe jij ze op t papier weet te zetten!

  23. Fabulous! You captured this delicate soft beauty of the sweet peas flower.


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