11 juni 2015

S/he loves me, s/he loves me not...

Ik heb een heleboel madeliefjes geschilderd. 
Twee verschillende manieren. Bij het schilderij hieronder ben ik begonnen in het midden en heb ik de wash om de bloem heen het laatst geschilderd. Hierboven ben ik begonnen met de wash, en heb ik het wit van de bloemblaadjes eruit gedept en gewassen met een stuk keukenpapier en een penseel. En daarna de details toegevoegd.
Er is natuurlijk een derde manier: maskeervloeistof gebruiken. Maar ik en maskeervloeistof kunnen niet goed met elkaar overweg. :)

I have been busy painting daisies. 
Two different approaches. With the painting below I started in the middle and added the wash around the flower last. Above I started with the wash, lifted out the white petals with tissue and brush. And I added details last.
There is of course a third approach: using masking fluid. But me and masking fluid don't get along very well. :)

21 opmerkingen:

  1. Judy, they are both beautiful, with that lovely soft touch of yours. But I really love the daisy you painted with the lifting technique - it suits your style of painting so very well!!
    Kathryn XX

  2. Hi, Judy, just have fun! I like the first one. Cheers, Sadami

  3. Two gorgeous works, but the first one is my favorite , super !

  4. How lovely! Daisies are such happy flowers - especially yours :)

  5. Very nice, dear Judy, more realistic the first, the second more graphics ... I really like both!
    I agree liquid to mask, I do not like to use.

  6. Masking fluid is good, but it does tend to leave harsh lines...although that depends on how you use it...another subject another day, lol....Love your versions here Judy, but which one did you really enjoy painting the most :-)

  7. The first one has your signature, Judy! So soft and vibrant

  8. So interesting to see the different methods, and thank you for sharing your explanation. I too think the first one is a Judy painting!

  9. Dag Judy, de beide werken zijn mooi, maar de eerste is een meer natuurlijker resultaat vind ik.
    Nog een fijne dag en groetjes,

  10. Hoi Judy, zoals de meesten vind ook ik de bovenste het mooist, heeft meer diepte, en je verhouding tot masking fluid herken ik, ben er ook geen fan van. Groetjes en een fijne zondag!

  11. Both are lovely, but I think I like more the top one, it is softer and more your style. I can see why masking fluid, leaving those hard edges, wouldn't be your best friend :)

  12. Personalmente me inclino por la primera me parece mas sutil, mas delicada, quiza influyan los colores mas suaves, no se... solo es una opinión personal entre dos pinturas que me gustan. Un abrazo.

  13. They are both very beautiful, but I favor the top one, good work either way.

  14. Both are beautiful. So interesting to look behind the curtain of your art process.
    It seems to me the first one is more like you and your individuality.

  15. Ahh... I remember picking off the petals of a daisy when I was a teenager... He loves me, he loves me not... and I'd do it again and again until he loved me, lol! Gorgeous painting! :0)

  16. Judy-I would be hard pressed to say which one of these I like best. Both are beautiful. Loved your sweet peas from your previous post too. Looks like flowers inspire you. I know they do me. Have a great week.


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