08 augustus 2015

5 years of blogging...

Vandaag bestaat mijn blog 5 jaar. 
En hoewel ik nog niet helemaal beter ben van een hardnekkige zomergriep, heb ik alleen maar goed nieuws te melden.

Allereerst, mijn lathyrus schilderij is verkocht. De afbeelding is gebruikt voor een rouwkaart en zij wilden het originele schilderij kopen. Leuk, hè?
Ook had ik een opdracht voor een horoscoop voor een pasgeboren meisje. Ik had dat al jaren niet meer gedaan, en ik vond het heerlijk om mijn kennis op dat gebied weer op te frissen.
En niet in de laatste plaats, mijn luidruchtige buurman is verhuisd, yeah! Nu hoop ik dat mijn broodnodige rust, en mijn zin in schilderen, snel weer zullen terugkeren. 
Geniet ondertussen van mijn 'verdwijnende' peren. 


Today is my 5 year blog anniversary.
And although I am still recovering from a nasty summer flu, I have only good news to share.

First of all, my lathyrus painting has been sold. The image was used for a mourning card and they wanted to buy the original painting. How is that?
I also had a commission for a horoscope for a new born baby girl. I had not done that for years, and I enjoyed brushing up my knowledge in that area.
And last but not least, my noisy neighbour has moved, yeah! Now I hope my much needed peace of mind, and my joy in painting, will return soon. 
In the meantime, enjoy my 'disappearing' pears!

30 opmerkingen:

  1. Judy - that is all such great news!!! I am so very happy for you!! Now, just get over that flu, and enjoy all these other wonderful events happening in your life. :)
    And I love your "disappearing" pears :)
    Big hugs for you
    Kathryn XX

  2. Judy it has been a great pleasure over the years to share your artistic journey with you and watching you blossom into the fabulous artist you are today. I am so pleased for you about your recent news especially the neighbour moving. Peace at last for you. I know how much that means to you. Thanks for your kind support and friendship too. It is greatly appreciated. Love the pears. Isn't this wonderful medium just so addictive... ;-) Get well soon.

  3. Well done for reaching the 5 year mark, I love seeing your work now as much as I did at the beginning.
    Positive news is always good and peace and quiet will certainly help creativity!

  4. Happy Birthday for you Judy!!

    I'm very pleased for your fantastic success ... and wish you peace and never-ending creativity !!

    Take care and get well soon.

  5. Happy birthday blog ♥ ♫♫♪ ♫ ♥

    Love your pears

  6. Congratulations Judy!
    And such a great news about your noisy neighbour, I know what a nuisance that can be as I have my very own noisy neighbour ;-)
    Your pears are glorious...

  7. Congrats, Judy! It's fun to read all your good news too.

  8. Hoi Judy:) Da's lang geleden he? Ik wou je even feliciteren met je 5 jarig jubileum. Mooi dat die vervelende buurman nou eindelijk weg is. Geniet van de rust. Groetjes en een fijn weekeinde.

  9. Well done in reaching 5 years blogging, congrats on all your recent good news, happy painting Judy

  10. Congratulations and Happy Blogaversary Judy.

    Sorry you have suffered from a summer flu, they are always the worst, but hopefully fully behind you now.

    I'm not at all surprised that your painting of the sweet peas sold...it really is lovely, as are all your paintings - you are a very skilled watercolorist.

  11. Happy days! Wishing you more to come (and a speedy recovery)!

  12. Hope your creative flow will return now the noisy neighbour is gone, congratulations on the sales of your work. Betty

  13. Bon anniversaire à ton joli blog, Judy !
    Bises :)

  14. Happy blog anniversary and congrats on your achievements! I hope it is the beginning of "many more" to come. Best wishes, Sadami

  15. Congratulations Judy! For your great sale and also for those 5 years of happy blogging! :0

  16. Wow, Judy, what a great news! I truly hope that you get some peace and quite and manage to regain your creative spirit! I've been thinking a lot about you and I'm really, really glad to read this post. Happy blog anniversary! Love your pears!

  17. Congratulations on your recent successes! You are a wonderful and unique artist and I am happy for you! And I do enjoy those disappearing pears!

  18. Congrats on the anniversary, Judy.
    Delighted to hear the noisy one is moving on - I hope life will be very peaceful now!
    The disappearing pears are gorgeous!

  19. Proficiat met je vijf jarig bestaan van je blog, Judy.
    Fijn dat je enkel maar goed nieuws had, ik wens je veel schilder plezier!
    Nog een fijne dag,
    groetjes van Simonne

  20. Congratulations Judy!! Five years is a wonderful milestone and a great way to celebrate with a sale/commission! The pears are delightful!! I also have a noisy neighbor and am very happy they are on vacation now. Good for you they have moved out!

  21. Dear Judy what wonderful blessings. Your pear is gorgeous. Your style is always beautiful. Have a great week. Hugs!

  22. Tanti auguri e Buon Ferragosto. Un abbraccio

  23. All great news Judy! Congratulations!! And happy blogaversary :0)

  24. Congratulations on all counts! Best wishes for the next five years x

  25. Met deze dromerige peertjes heb je een mooie illustratie bij het vieren van je 5 jaar blog. Hoop dat je gelukkiger wordt in je huis en dat ik nog vaak mag genieten van je prachtige aquarellen. Groetjes

  26. Happy blogversary! Congratulations on your sale! Adios to the nosy neighbor.

    Hope you are feeling better from your summer flu.

  27. Happy Anniversary Judy! Five years already?! Where has the time gone? Wishing you another wonderful year of painting and blogging. (hope you are feeling better)

  28. Dear Judy, in your five years of blogging, almost four we walk together.
    It was nice to meet you and your art world, of painting and life.
    It has' been nice share experiences and changes.
    Congratulations for your art fine work, for your loving presence in blogland, for the friendly support that encouraged me to continue blogging, four years ago, after a start that I did not know what to believe ...
    Your "pears" watercolors have a glamorous humor that I love very much.
    Warm hugs, Rita.

  29. congratulations judy x 5 and sales ! love the pears


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