26 augustus 2015

Doodling doves...

Deze grijsbruine duiven zijn regelmatige bezoekers van mijn balkon, ik denk dat het tortelduiven zijn. Ze pikken op wat naar beneden valt van de voedercontainer waar de meesjes en musjes van smikkelen.
 Ik heb ze wat meer kleur gegeven, waaronder Pruisisch blauw, dat ik allang niet meer gebruikt had.

These gray brown doves are regular visitors of my balcony, I think they are turtledoves. They pick up what falls down from the foodcontainer where the tits and sparrows eat from. 
I gave them a bit more colour, including Prussian blue that I had not used for a long time.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. I always enjoy your free use of color, which gives the painting live and interest. Lovely loose paintings!

  2. Oh if these aren't the cutest paintings Judy, I love them :-)

  3. Prussian blue was the perfect choice for these sweet birds. They are beautifully painted!

  4. Hi, Judy, sweet work. Have fun in drawing and painting! Best wishes, Sadami

  5. These are wonderful, lively sketches! :0)

  6. Hoe doe je het toch? Met een paar kleurrijke vlekken tover je een duif. Fantastisch hoe jij kan schilderen.

  7. You have done them justice with your brush and watercolor - lovely!

  8. You captured so well the color of the plumage and their shine dearJudy.
    Prussian blue, with its large scale of tones is a very versatile color that I love.
    It occurs to me, too, period of neglect: mystery of practice, sometimes between so many colors, someone ends up forgotten.

  9. Judy you certainly captured the sweetness in these soft birds. Hope you are having a great week.

  10. Beautiful and expressive movement in the birds, love the palette too!

  11. Loving this -the addition of Prussian blue-with it's staining qualities elevates the already adorable paintings ! Are you selling your works in galleries?

  12. Really beautiful Judy with just the right amount of color here and there. xx

  13. As always you captured the softness in these beautiful doves, Judy!!! Wonderful colors as well!!!

    and thank you.. thank you.. thank you for helping me figure out how to insert my blog list to my side bar!! I couldn't have done it without your expertise, my friend!!! Now I can visit my friends here so much easier. :)

  14. Heel knap gedaan hoor Judy !
    groetjes van Simonne

  15. Now how did I miss these lovely feathered friends. Great choice of colours and lovely transaprent looseness.

  16. Wat een geweldige duifjes!! Echt super mooi!


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