04 januari 2016

Spring mood...

Ik start het nieuwe jaar in lente stemming. Ik heb nog geen sneeuwklokjes gezien, maar binnenkort...

I start the new year in spring mood. I haven't seen snowdrops yet, but soon...

28 opmerkingen:

  1. Two lovely delicate paintings Judy...I love your style :-)

  2. So very delicate your painting start in 2016!!
    Love the hint of violet your swinging snowdrops!!

  3. I like the way you worked the snowdrops in a loose style.

  4. Wishing you much excitement and new discoveries in 2016

  5. This is beautiful Judy! I want to think "spring" as well!! I don't like the cold weather anymore....lol

  6. Really love your soft, loose style Judy! Beautiful snowdrops!
    Happy painting 2016 :))

  7. I think you are hoping for a very romantic year !! Wish you a wonderful and creative New Year 2016, Judy!

  8. we certainly have spring like temperatures, but the snowdrop is always the perfect messenger and you capture that message perfectly - a good opener for 2016!

  9. Hi, Judy, I love snowdrops. 2016 will be wonderful and productive you! Best wishes, Sadami

  10. One of my favorite spring announcers, beautifully done !

  11. Beautiful work Judy! Happy New year to you! :0)

  12. The paintings are so good, fresh and happy, and so nice to think of spring! Thank you for the nice thoughts you brought :)

  13. Love the soft pastels, wishing you a wonderful year! I am looking forward to spring myself!

  14. Already thinking of spring! But I can't blame you, spring flowers are the nicest. So delicate and fragile looking!

  15. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une belle note d'optimisme pour débuter l'année 2016 que je vous souhaite heureuse.
    Les perces-neige sont des fleurs d'une grande délicatesse et vous avez su merveilleusement bien les restituer.
    (hier lors de ma promenade avec Icarus mon dalmatien, j'ai aperçu les premières violettes !)

    Gros bisous ♡

  16. Hallo Judy, prachtig , je lentegevoel hoor !
    Zeer goed weergegeven, en de natuur begint hier stilaan al terug op gang te komen.
    Nog een fijne dag,

  17. Happy new year to you Judy. I wish you health and happiness.

    I haven't seen snowdrops yet either but there are daffodils flowering in my garden already! Beautiful paintings.

  18. can feel the winter sun in the top one judy ...so fresh ...happy new year to you

  19. Great start to the New Year Judy. Have fun. xx

  20. Dream something beauty and paint ...what a precious moments. Precious as your watercolor!

  21. Just lovely Judy- hope you see these blooming soon. I always get happy when they appear because it means spring is not too far behind. Hugs

  22. Spring! ... beautiful Snowdrops, Judy! :)

  23. I love Snowdrops and have a garden full of them. They are quite a few weeks early this year and many of them are in flower already. I'm useless at painting them but I've photographed them from every conceivable angle so if you ever want reference photo's just let me know. These are both wonderful paintings Judy. I just love your loose style and those delicate colours. Your work always looks so fresh. ;-)

  24. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. In the middle of the snow storms.

  25. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  26. Mooie aquarel! Ik vind de kleur blauw heel mooi gekozen.

    Dank voor je berichtje op mijn blog! Ik moet echt weer wat vaker gaan zitten om berichten te schrijven.


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