19 april 2017

Wild waves...

Wilde golven, geschilderd naar één van mijn eigen foto's.
Ik heb maskeervloeistof gebruikt om spetters te maken en een beetje witte gouache om het witte schuim te accentueren.
Geïnspireerd door Ann's Useful Painting Tips blog.

Wild waves, painted from one of my own photos.
I used masking fluid to make some splatters and a little white gouache  to accentuate the white foam.
Inspired by Ann's Useful Painting Tips blog.

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Lovely work, Judy! Enjoy playing with waves. Me, too, love it. Cheers, Sadami

  2. Lovely painting Judy, you did a much better job of them than I would :)

  3. Thank you Sadami!
    Thank you Ann, my first time painting waves, and not easy!

  4. Very beautiful! I love the variety of colors you used and how you managed to leave them so fresh. I don't remember you painting sea waves before, and I admire this

  5. It is a challenging subject which you painted so beautifully Judy!!

  6. Beautiful waves, well done !

  7. Love this! So much great energy and life to them. This is very special - I think the tonal contrasts makes it. Best wishes.

  8. Dag Judy, de wilde golven zijn zeker herkenbaar hier, het is niet simpel om beweging in het water te schilderen vind ik.
    groetjes van Simonne

  9. I can hear those waves crashing, Judy :) Lovely work!!!

    Kathryn XX

  10. Oh, love this movement and light so much Judy. Very well done.


  11. Awesome Judy...You have captured The sea so beautifully. So glad you shared. Have a great week. Hugs!

  12. I love the way you painted the waves Judy!! The beautiful movement and colors....all perfect as always!!!

  13. I can hear the roar of those wild waves! Beautiful painting, Judy!!

  14. i think i will jump in for a swim......what a great wave!


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