09 maart 2017

Sunshine in the leaves...

Misschien omdat ik in de stadse omgeving waar ik woon niet veel groen zie, vooral niet in de winter, word ik getrokken naar alles wat groen is. Dit is een scene uit een Engels tv programma. Een spel met groenen. 

Maybe because in the urban environment where I live I see very little green, especially in winter, I am drawn to everything green.
This is a scene from an English tv program. A play with greens. 

18 opmerkingen:

  1. This is a wonderful work with beautiful greens. You used such a lovely variety of warm tones as well as the cool in the shadows. Love it. Makes such a peaceful scene friend. Hugs~

  2. Not only the greens are beautiful but you have captured the light in such a gorgeous way! This really cheers me up!

  3. So many shades - all perfectly balanced - your so clever. Lovely work.

  4. Beautiful color palette - beautifully painted!!

  5. Beautiful greens! Love this...

  6. Love how the spring light kissed the branches!!

  7. Perfect management of a challenging color!!! Bravo,Judy!!!

  8. Gorgeous work with green beautifully handled.

  9. I can fully understand the attraction of everything green in this season, Judy. I love the beautiful depiction of light in this painting. It has such a happy mood!

  10. Fabulous work and capturing of the light.

  11. Gorgeous, fresh greens, and you really captured that burst of whitening light!

  12. The brilliant light filtering through the foliage and glancing off the grass is masterful! Wonderful work, Judy!

  13. Heel erg mooi prachtige groene kleuren lieve groetjes Daniëlle

  14. Dag Judy, heel mooi weergegeven, de zon brengt het lente gevoel naar ons.
    groetjes van Simonne

  15. what a lovely spot in nature..........i want to go there!


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