24 februari 2017

Horse chestnut...

Dit schilderij uit 2011 is onlangs verkocht. De boom riep mooie herinneringen op aan de overleden echtgenoot van de koper, dus hij is op een prachtige plek terecht gekomen.

This painting from 2011 has been sold recently. The tree evoked fond memories of the buyer's late husband, so it found a beautiful home.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Love the shades of green - beautiful!

    painting plein air will give you more room for painting :)

  2. Bonjour,

    Une belle aquarelle qui a une belle âme... Une jolie harmonie de verts.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  3. Judy - this is a lovely piece of art. Your touch is always so soft and beautiful. There is such a peaceful feel to your work. So glad you shared this friend. Hope your weekend is super! Hugs!

  4. Congratulations on your sale! And the new rendition is majestic and lush.

  5. I love the looseness in your paintings, Judy. Congratulations of selling your second watercolor...Very beautiful!

  6. It is beautifully painted, Judy, the pen gives it more definition and yet it is in your unmistakable soft and fresh style. I can feell the thick shadow under this tree.
    Carol Marines book I recently read, which explains the "Daily Painting" idea, gave me a new appreciation for painting small.

  7. congratulations on your sale Judy ... I like the ink and watercolour sketch and both formats

  8. Congratulations, Judy, both on your sale, and on creating this lovely ink and wash. I see your style changing slightly :)

    Kathryn XX

  9. Hier schuilt een mooi verhaal achter Jane....
    groetjes van Simonne


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