07 augustus 2017

colours of the rainbow

Rechte lijnen zijn niet mijn sterkste punt, dus ze zien er een beetje wiebelig uit. Heb dat nog geaccentueerd met spatten en vlekken. 

Straight lines are not my forte, so they look a bit wobbly. I accentuated that with splashes and stains. 

14 opmerkingen:

  1. May the rainbow enlight your soul as your watercolours so beautifully,dear Judy

  2. Ah Judy - this is just delightful...certainly the colors of the rainbow. Didn't miss either how you caught the shadow side of each pencil as well. What a simple subject painted just perfectly. Hugs!

  3. Such a lovely and clever painting!! Love the touch of looseness.

  4. When you can paint like this who needs straight lines. Love it!!

  5. Judy, this is such a happy, wonderful painting!!! And the lines look GOOD to me!

    Kathryn XX

  6. Such a fun painting - it brought a smile to my face :o) best wishes.

  7. This is just beautiful, Judy! I love the composition and effects of the watercolor.

  8. Wonderful work Judy!!! Wavy lines are more artistic!!!!!!!

  9. Dit is knap voorgesteld Judy !
    groetjes van Simonne


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