31 december 2017

my painting year...

Ik schilderde niet zo veel afgelopen jaar. 
Een landschap, bladeren, duiven, potloden en nog wat.
Ik hoop in 2018 meer te schilderen.

I have not painted very much past year. 
A landscape, leaves, pigeons, pencils and some more.
I hope to get back to more painting in 2018.

Happy painting in 2018!

11 opmerkingen:

  1. A Happy New Year to you, Judy. Thanks for being such a good friend

  2. Beautiful work! I just posted mine yesterday. It's good to look back to see what we've accomplished.

  3. You obviously went for quality instead of quantity Judy ;) Happy New Year and Happy Painting :)

  4. Please take care, Judy. I hope you will enjoy painting. Best wishes and prayer, Sadami

  5. It's not a question of quantity but quality and look at your beautiful results Judy!! Be proud and happy dear friend. I look forwards to your inspiring 2018 works.

    Huge hugs and a great 2018 for you.

  6. Happy New Year, Judy! I truly hope that you have lots of excitement about painting and much satisfaction from it. Much health and joy for the next 12 months!

  7. Not many paintings in a year indeed , but all really beautiful and with your very recognizable style. Wishing you a great New Painting Year !

  8. Ik wens je veel schilder genot toe lieve groetjes Danielle

  9. Beauty times 9, Judy. Your paintings are what every watercolor should be!
    Wishing you excellent health and happiness in 2018.


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