05 maart 2018

branch 2 ...

Dit is een nieuwe versie van een plataantak die ik in 2013 schilderde (zie hieronder).
Wat ik leuk vond aan de eerste versie waren de schaduwen van de tak, maar die waren niet zo goed zichtbaar. Ik heb nu het middelste blad weggelaten en er een 'zachter' schilderij van gemaakt.

This is a remake of a plane tree branch that I painted in 2013 (see below). 
What I liked about the first version were the shadows of the branch, but they were hardly visible. I've left out the leaf in the middle this time, and made a 'softer' painting.


11 opmerkingen:

  1. I like the latest version better Judy, not that I didn't like the 2013 version. When I do splatter it just looks a mess but yours always looks so attractive. Great work!!

  2. Dear Judy - the softer version is so lovely but I like the old one as well. Isn't it amazing how small changes in our painting lead to great results? Hope all is well. Have a great week. Hugs!

  3. Love the 'conker', horse-chestnut, so delicate. I like them both

  4. I love both versions Judy. Your watercolors are all amazing. The softness in your work is what I LOVE!!!!!!

  5. Que delicadeza en tus acuarelas, son preciosas.

  6. Just slight differences but both beautiful !

  7. Hey Judy, mijn favoriet is ook de nieuwe versie, maar ze zijn beiden goed gemaakt hoor.
    groetjes van Simonne

  8. Vindt ze allebei heel mooi, knap gedaan hoor!

  9. You're work becomes softer, lighter - but both version are so unique yours that I would recognize them under thousands. Love your art Judy!!

  10. Dankjewel allemaal, thank you all!


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