09 juli 2018

eat pray love

biet prei lof

Dit is een beetje heel erg flauw. Maar ineens vond ik de woorden  Eat Pray Love (van het boek en de film) lijken op de Nederlandse groentenamen biet prei lof. 
Je moet nooit een goed excuus verspillen om groente stillevens te schilderen. :)

This is really really silly. It suddenly occurred to me that the words Eat Pray Love (from the book and the film) looked like the Dutch vegetable names 'biet' 'prei' 'lof' (beetroot, leek, chicory).
Never waste a good excuse to paint vegetable still lifes. :)

8 opmerkingen:

  1. These are gorgeous veggies Judy. What a good excuse to paint my friend. Hugs!

  2. Thank you, Debbie and Sandi!!!

  3. Hi, Judy, Lovely to enjoy your pun. I should study Dutch one day (*Oh, yes, our phonology lecturer was a second generation of Dutch.) Cheers, Sadami

  4. So glad that silly idea occurred to you, Judy, because these paintings are GORGEOUS!!

  5. Wonderful paintings and great observation :-)))

  6. Love the word connection and the paintings


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