21 juli 2018

dry grass...

Vanuit de trein zag ik gisteren hoe droog de velden erbij staan. Geen groen grassprietje te zien. Alles is geel en droog. Het is warm. En het wordt nog warmer volgende week. Zonder een drupje regen. Het water in de rivieren staat laag. En het gebrek aan water in ons normaal zo natte landje zorgt voor problemen.

From the train yesterday I saw how dry the fields are. Not one green blade of grass in sight. Everything is yellow and dry. It is hot. And it will get hotter next week. Without a drop of rain. Water in the rivers is low. And the lack of water in our normally wet country is causing problems.

19 opmerkingen:

  1. Dankjewel Angelique! Gauw bij jou kijken, wat voor moois je hebt gemaakt.

  2. Beautiful painting Judy but the story is sad. Hopefully it will rain soon!!!!

  3. Take care, Judy. Our country Australia is dry and I know your feeling well. Hope a weather comes back to normal asap. Best wishes, sincerely, Sadami

  4. Didn't recognise the painting as on of yours for a while. You certainly catch the heat very well, particularly with the yellow reflecting in the trees. Your weather is identical to ours

  5. Climate change is everywhere to be seen ,here in Italy we have had an abnormal amount of rain and hot but very tolerable ( and unusual ) weather . Your watercolor is beautiful and and showing a great amount of heat.

  6. Judy, As you know, I am still in Ireland. We had hill-side and gorse bush fires nearby due to the long-lasting absence of rainfall. Just this morning, we took a road that showed how fire-fighters have been able to save houses with the help of fire fighters on land and by air, distributing sea-water on the hill. The fire had come so close! The black gorse bushes looked scary; such surreal landscape. How does one feel, I thought, having had gorse fires reaching about 10 metres from your house? We had a bit of rain recently after a month of almost no rain. I took saving tap water seriously; all soapy water used for flushing, all non-soapy water for garden plants. The downside of this prolonged dry spell is visible everywhere; the upside is that we have all become more aware of how precious rain and tap water is and how we should all participate in addressing climate change. Our rain barrel was empties within 2 weeks, perhaps buying another one? How can I save more water? Why are we flushing with tap-water instead of water that freely falls on our roofs? Like you, I am worried about the dry and yellow discoloured meadows.

  7. Thanks for your comments, everyone!
    It seems the same all over Europe, hot and dry. I read about numerous forest fires in Sweden. Very scary to see the blackened gorse so closely, Paula. I agree about our use of tapwater. People are advised to reduce spraying in gardens and avoid using water in the rush hours. It seems dried grass will recover very quickly, but crops are suffering. I read today about a farmer who could not sell his plums to supermarkets because they were smaller than the norm. How ridiculous is that!
    Well, keep cool everyone!

  8. I always feel reluctant to buy super large fruits and veggies, as if they are on steroids.

  9. Ik vind het een heel warm schilderijtje lieve groetjes Daniëlle

  10. I like those spots so fresh and suggestive that define your works.Very good and leaving the viewer to put a little imagination to contemplate.

    1. Muchas gracias José! Thank you for your visit!

  11. Your painting is lovely, Judy, but almost haunts when you describe the weather conditions you are experiencing. Here, too, in the US Pacific Northwest, we are having incredibly hot temperatures, lack of rain and threats of new forest fires daily. Hopefully this misery for humans, animals and our landscape will be over soon.

    1. It seems the same all over the globe. I hope it will be over soon too

  12. This all strikes a chord for me too. We've just had our first decent rainfall since the last week in May. No rain for 2 months has taken it's toll that's for sure. But your painting puts a very positive spin on the situation and beautifully captures the heat of summer. Super work!!

    1. Thanks for your visit, John. We've had some local rainfall, but not so much to end the drought. I started my painting life with plein air landscape painting, and I am very pleased how this one turned out. Going to do some more I think.

  13. Heerlijk de zon alle dgen, maar inderdaad de planten denken er anders over....groetjes van Simonne

  14. so well depicted in the fewest brushstrokes. Prefect! (the painting, not the drought, of course)


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