21 augustus 2018

annoying creatures...

Op mijn andere blog had ik een verhaaltje geschreven over vervelende vliegen.
En ik wilde er geen willekeurige foto van internet bij plaatsen.
Dus er zat niets anders op dan zelf een vlieg te schilderen, wel van een foto gevonden op internet.
Niet mijn favoriete onderwerp.
En ze zien er behoorlijk echt, en eng, uit.
Gelukkig doen ze niets.

On my other blog I had written a story about annoying flies.
And I did not want to add a random picture from the internet.
So there was nothing for it than painting a fly myself, from a photo found on the internet though.
Not my favourite subject.
And they look pretty real, and scary, too.
Fortunately, they are harmless.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. This illustrations are simply WONDERFUL Judy!
    Big hugs,

  2. Merci beaucoup, Anne! Thank you so much, Susi!

  3. Wow!! Your drawing is incredibly realistic!!! Excellent work!!!!

  4. Judy, great work. Let's not blame the flies, but the bacteria they carry with them. :-)

  5. Judy, only you could make a fly look beautiful!

  6. There's such a subtile softness and kindness in your fly painting! Very beautiful done Judy!

  7. Judy, if I hadn't read the text, I would have thought that you love flies. You painted them so beautifully - the transparent wings, the furry body, the legs... I am impressed
    (I am very happy to see that you have been painting so much more lately)

  8. Only you dear friend can make a lovely piece of art out of pesky flies. Thanks for sharing their beauty. Have a great day. Hugs!

  9. Wow Judy geweldig wat heb je dit goed weer gegeven zou haast de vliegenmepper pakken ha ha lieve groetjes Daniëlle

  10. Dag Judy, ja hoor... ze zijn precies echt je vliegjes, knap gedaan !
    groetjes van Simonne

  11. Very nicely done, they look almost friendly! :)

  12. I'm not keen on flies either but these are fantastic, really well done !


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