06 juli 2019

summer fruit...

Moest ze schilderen, en daarna opeten.
Ik schilderde de kersen een paar jaar geleden.
Ik ben dol op rood zomerfruit.

Had to paint them and then eat them.
I painted the cherries a few years ago.
I love red summer fruit.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. These summer fruits look delicious and so juicy, Judy! As always, the softness of the piece is wonderful.

  2. Such lovely paintings, love you special Barends style so much Judy.

  3. Thank you so much, Hilda and Isabella!

  4. Wie is daar niét dol op..?! :-)
    Ik begin nu ook erg dol te worden op jouw prachtige aquarellen! :-)

  5. Mouthwatering! Lovely paintings, Judy :)

  6. So beautiful! I love the color and the wetness of your washes!

  7. Lovely paintings Judy...glad you were able to paint them before you ate the luscious fruit :)! Hugs


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