06 maart 2012

Donker... Dark...

Rookiepainter challenge 35

Ik heb geprobeerd de donkere randen van de peren in het donker van de achtergrond te laten verdwijnen.
Op een kleurenkaart heb ik eerst een paar donkere kleuren uitgeprobeerd.
Ik heb ultramarijn en gebrande sienna gebruikt, in verschillende lagen.
Quin. rose, rood en geel voor de peren.

I tried to make the dark edges of the pears disappear into the dark background.
On a colour chart I first tried a few dark colours.
I used ultramarine and burnt sienna, in several layers.
Quin. rose, red and yellow for the pears.

20 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello,Judy.Very strong composition,bold and dark!

  2. looks very dramatic ...lovely combinations

  3. I like it!! Bellissimo Judy! Ciao.

  4. I love the contrast - and I also love making lost edges in my own paintings too :0)

  5. I find perfect the idea of making the pears edges disappear into the background! Really beautiful, Judy, brava! Ciao!

  6. Hoi Judy! Een donkere achtergrond?!
    Mooi hoor. De peren zien er prachtig uit. De voorgrond met de schaduwen vind ik het allermooist!

  7. Ciao Rita! Composition thanks to Rookiepainter!

    Thank you Jane! I use those colours in the apples too!

    Dankje Rolinka!

    Grazie Tito!

    Thank you Sandra! Yes I am sure you do with your fab bear paintings! I made lost edges in lighter colours, not this dark.

    Thanks Lynn!

    Thank you Cristina!

    Hoi Renate! Jaja, het heet niet voor niets een challenge! :) Ik vind de voorgrond ook wel mooi, net of ze onderstreept zijn.

  8. Luscious, shiny and very inviting...beautifully done!

  9. I thought this challenge would be a bit tricky for watercolors with the very dark background, but you did a great job with it, Judy!

  10. Thank you Jane!

    Hi Blaga, thank you. Actually I thought (and still think) it would be tricky too, but the lost edges challenge intrigued me.

  11. Love this Challenge 35, you have achieved such a great shine on the fruit and your dark edges did merge with the background very well. Not an easy subject, but you have a great painting at the end of it Judy.

  12. Awesome job with this challenge. You've inspired me to have a go at it!

  13. Not easy with watercolor indeed, but the result is perfect. Just want to try it too ;)

  14. Thank you Ann!

    Thank you Nora and Lydie! I'm very interested how you both would do it. That is the fun of challenges!

  15. Judy,this is quite different from your usual style. You've done a great job! I really like your use of both warm and cool colors!

  16. Thanks Laura! Dark is not my forte, but I love a challenge.

    Thank you Elizabeth Rose!

  17. I like the shadows so much, specially the ones on the table. Very good!

  18. Wat mooi, met die donkere achtergrond. Groetjes, Marleen.


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