29 juni 2014

Jan Voerman (1857 - 1941)

Dit is de tentoonstelling die ik onlangs heb bezocht. Jan Voerman is beroemd om zijn mooie wolkenluchten en zijn IJssel landschappen. Maar zijn prachtige bloemenstillevens hebben mijn hart gestolen.Er waren ook een hoop studies en tekeningen van zijn hand te zien.

This is the exhibition I visited recently. Jan Voerman is famous for his beautiful cloudy skies and his IJssel riverlandscapes. But his wonderful flower still lifes stole my heart. There were also a lot of his studies and drawings on display.

De bloemenschilderijen zijn allemaal aquarellen.
The flower paintings are all watercolours.

Het laatste schilderij hieronder is een oude bekende. Misschien herinner je je nog dat ik een boekomslag heb nageschilderd (zie hier). Het blijkt dit schilderij te zijn, een aquarel van Jan Voerman. Wat leuk om het in het echt te zien!

The last painting below is an old friend. Maybe you remember I painted a copy of a bookcover (see here). It turned out to be a watercolour by Jan Voerman. So great to see it in real life!

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Judy! Thanks for sharing this wonderful exhibition. I'm trying to paint big skies now and this is a great inspiration! I saw your copy and I have to say you made a great work too. xx

  2. Beautiful works - so inspiring!

  3. I've never heard of him before, his work is inspiring! It must be special to be able to see them in person. I love the study you painted based on his flowers. Thanks for sharing these, Judy!

  4. I guess the difference between the real paintings and what I see on the screen. Even if I see from my computer, the Art works of this master have an incredible charm, and your interpretation of the still life was truly brilliant.

  5. There is something to be learned here about painting the clouds, these are incredible ! But I agree about his flower paintings ...really gorgeous and with a very personal style .

  6. Beautiful really! I fell in love too with his flower's aquarellas. Your interpretation is lovely as well.

  7. leuk dat je je lezers de gelegenheid geeft deze schilder te leren kennen. Heb meteen gekeken op internet wat er nog van hem te zien is. Hij had ook een zoon die schildert zag ik. Maar senior is fenomenaal!

  8. Thank you for the two mini-exhibitions, Judy! I can see why the little blue pots with the white flowers appealed to you, they are so charming in their simplicity. Your version is so beautiful! I have missed it somehow...

  9. Thank you all very much, I am glad you liked the exhibition with me!

  10. Thanks for sharing your visit Judy can see why the flowers captured your heart


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