16 juni 2014

Zodiac sign: Cancer 2

Verder met de serie dierenriemtekens, heb ik een tweede versie van de Kreeft geschilderd. Zie de eerdere versie hier.
Ik moet zeggen dat ik liever een aaibaar dier schilder, en ik zie erg op tegen de Schorpioen. :) Maar ja, ik wil ooit alle twaalf tekens geschilderd hebben.

Continuing the zodiac signs series, I did another version of Cancer. See the earlier version here.
I have to admit, I'd rather paint a furry animal, and I am dreading Scorpio. :) Anyhow, one day I want to have painted all twelve signs.

25 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm so happy you are still working on this series. I love the intensity of the colors and striking composition!

  2. I checked the first version, and they are both awesome , love this series !

  3. Hermosas manchas, y la imagen acertada con el signo.

  4. Hi, Judy, what a sexy hot red lady(?!) it is! Working on favorite subjects is the best way to enjoy watercolour.
    Cheers, Sadami

  5. Loving this zodiac series and Judy just so you know... I am a Scorpio.
    LOL !

  6. Bonjour,
    Une bonne idée d'interpréter les signes du zodiaque.
    Les deux versions me plaisent. De belles nuances de couleurs.

    Gros bisous ♡

  7. Ook weer zo mooi Judy. Groetjes, Marleen.

  8. Molto bella questa versione Judy, una composizione in diagonale, decisamente riuscita. Bellissimi i colori. Abbraccio.

  9. You are doing fine on these zodiac signs. Love how you show only part of this one coming from the space beyond, great angle to use.

  10. Ooh, this really is wonderful! I have always fancied painting a crab or a lobster... but they are expensive to buy and I'd imagine my studio would stink by the time I had finished! :0)

  11. Very interesting to see the two versions you made! I,m a Scorpio, so I'm waiting to see the next one... :)

  12. Difficult, make pleasant Cancer ... but you're successful with contrasting colors and shapes, in a composition that has the charm of an abstract work, at first sight, and then the charm of a realistic work, looking still for a moment! Gorgeous!
      The scorpion will look beautiful and attractive, painted by you, dear Judy!

  13. Hoi Judy ik ben erg aan het kwakkelen met mijn gezondheid vandaar weinig zin in het blog zelfs niet om te kijken en te reageren maar ik wil jullie niet te kort doen dus even dit berichtje het is prachtig geworden toppertje lieve groetjes Danielle

  14. Judy - beautiful colors and love the composition as well. This looks like it will be a great series. Have a lovely day.

  15. De schorpioen hoort er nu eenmaal bij , je hebt er mooie kleuren in gebracht.

  16. I do admire you for the discipline of painting this zodiac series, it's quite a challenge and you are meeting it every time. Betty

  17. Une composition parfaite et des couleurs très lumineuses ! Bravo.

  18. Awesome colors you have used for this lovely lobster, Judy!

  19. What a wonderful series, Judy. I love the beautiful colors you used... Excellent work as always..I look forward to your next sign!

  20. Your paintings are perfectly balanced, never too much water nor too much color, great as usual. :)

  21. deze laatste versie is een stuk krachtiger dan de eerdere. Heel goed gedaan en de schorpioen zal ook wel lukken!!!

  22. it's all been said judy great composition and painting ... wonderful cherry paintings too

  23. Thank you everyone! I like this one much better that the first!


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