09 september 2012


Een kleine schets voor de challenge van Daily Paintworks.
A small sketch for the Daily Paintworks' challenge.

31 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear judy,a light bulb ... that shines with its own light!

  2. Now that's a bright spark of a painting!

  3. Thank you Rita, Ann, fados do lar! It is just a small painting I did as a diversion, because another painting needs more practising before I can show it.

  4. Wonderful work, as always, Judy!! The brush just seems to flow from your hands!!!

  5. hi i didn't ssee the bulb at first, i was so enjoying the painting.

  6. This bulb is weeping and so I do, as my eyes can not stand the light of this bulb's descendants. I made a stock of these bulbs and I hope, silly, that I can deceive the time.

  7. I think that if you plant this bulb you will get tulips that can see in the dark! :0))

    Very clever painting, Judy

  8. le sujet est agréable et on sent la spontanéité dans sont élaboration

  9. Dankjewel Cora!

    Thank you Hilda! I like to paint small paintings of small things.

    Hi Cathy, thank you!

    Hi Irina, it would be great to deceive time!

    Hi John, that is a fabulous idea! :) Wouldn't that be great!

    Salut Isabelle, votre ampoule est très belle. C'est un sujet agréable!

  10. Love the light you've captured, Judy !

  11. Hi Judy, very well painted. It seems that the lamp is illuminating the sheet. Bravissima! Ciao.

  12. Lovely warm glowing colour! Pefect! :0)

  13. I love this!! I had to come by and see what you have been up too as I was away for sooo long....so long that I forgot how to sign into Blogger...omg,,,I wonder if I remember how to do a post:)
    Have a sunny Monday!!

  14. Judy ik heb even moeten puzzelen voor dat ik het zag maar als je het dan ziet springt het eruit erg knap gedaan groetjes Danielle

  15. Thank you Pat!

    Thank you Tito!

    Thank you Sandra!

    Hi Cynthia! You must have been away a long time! :) I hope you had a good time, looking forward to your first post!

    Thank you Kath!

    Dankjewel Danielle! Door het scannen is de schaduw voor een deel weggevallen, waardoor de lamp misschien wat moeilijker te zien is. In het echt is hij duidelijker.

  16. Beautiful. I love the light and the colors that you get, you make it look easy! Hugs.

  17. !Luminosa acuarela¡ Es preciosa. Buen comienzo de semana.

  18. Mooi Judy:) Is dit de studie? Ga je er nog wat aan veranderen dan? Ik vind hem nu al prachtig! Heel mooi gedaan!

  19. Thank you Conchi!

    Muchas gracias Sonia!

    Hoi Renate! Nee dit is een schetsje, maar ik heb wel eerst een versie in grijstinten gedaan. Hoe je het ook noemt, het blijven allemaal probeersels. :)

  20. Precioso, muy delicado, me gusta ese derrame de azul en la bombilla.

  21. Hola Rosa, gracias por todos sus amables comentarios!

  22. Très lumineuse ta version d'une ampoule !

  23. An unusual subject beautifully painted.

  24. Positively dazzling ... brilliant work!!! ;-)

  25. Merci Lydie!

    Thank you Laura, Ashok and John!

  26. great work judy ! ...glad you had a good break ! ciao j

  27. Love it, love it, love it! The simplicity, freshness, fluidity, so unique! I'm thrilled to see you're back, Judy, and you are obviously refreshed and revived! Wonderful!


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