14 september 2012

Nature morte...

Nature morte, het Franse woord voor stilleven, kwam in mijn gedachten als titel voor dit schilderij.
Dit veldmuisje vond ik op mijn terras een paar maanden geleden, waarschijnlijk slachtoffer van één van de buurtkatten. Hij (of zij) zag er zo perfect uit, helemaal niet beschadigd. Ik heb verscheidene foto's genomen voordat ik hem begraven heb onder de sering.
Ik wilde een zachte rand schilderen om de vacht te suggereren, maar de verf vloeide meer uit dan ik bedoeld had, zoals je kunt zien. In plaats van te stoppen en opnieuw te beginnen, besloot ik verder te gaan en dit is het resultaat.

Nature morte, the French word for still life, came to my mind as a title for this painting. 
This little field-mouse I found on my patio a few months ago, probably victim of one of the neighbourhood cats. He (or she) looked so perfect, not damaged at all. I took several photographs before burying it under the lilac tree. 
I wanted to paint a soft edge suggesting fur, but the paint flowed much more than I intended, as you can see. Instead of stopping and starting all over, I decided to go on and this is the result. 

43 opmerkingen:

  1. Ahhhh what a sweet mouse. We have lots of gold-brown mice around here...they are actually quite cute:)
    Have a good weekend.

  2. It is so realistic and 3-dimentional. Great that you decided to go on and finish the painting. I specially liked the upper side of the mouse, it made the mouse "pop-up" and look even more realistic. I like it very much!
    Take care!

  3. A lovely tribute to this dear little sole, so nice that you placed him/her in your garden. Love how the paint flowed, it adds to this painting.

  4. Dear Judy,
    I really like this work. I know a famous illustrator, expert of birds. He often kept birds ... in a fridge.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  5. Judy, this is so very beautiful!!! You have done such a wonderful and compassionate painting of the field mouse. BRAVO!!!

  6. This is fabulous, Judy!! Have a nice weekend,

  7. Do you think the Pied Piper of H had anything to do with it?

    Lovely painting, Judy, you really are very clever!

  8. Thanks Cyn! They are very cute, aren't they!

    Thanks Catharina! The lesson for me is: don't give up too soon!

    Thanks Ann! I agree that it adds to the painting, I did'nt think that in the beginning.

    Thanks Sadami, I am glad you like it! Keeping animals in the fridge is a good idea for an animal painter, but I feel happier painting them from a photo. :)

    Thanks Kathryn! I can only say, it was a lucky accident. More luck than skill, we say in Dutch. I was inspired to paint the mouse by your nestling painting.

    Thank you Maggie, I like it too!

    Thanks John! I hope the PP did not lure all his friends away!

  9. Ja, jij is werkelijk schitterend geschilderd. Prachtig Judy.

  10. Your style and how the colors blend give the feeling of softness.
    Rest In Peace little mouse.

  11. I love it! Nature morte. Exactly my thinking when it comes to still life. And this image suites it perfectly.So where did you find this little dead mouse? I hope not in your house.

  12. Dankjewel Renske! Het is ongeveer dezelfde techniek als de appels, erg nat geschilderd.

    Thanks Katrina! He had a decent funeral.

    Thanks Linda! I know you don't like to paint still lifes ;) portraits are your thing! Thank God not in my house, Linda, just outside my kitchen door.

  13. I think you did the right choice Judy, I find that the flowed color has emphasized the state of "no life" of the little mouse. Have a good Sunday!

  14. Dear Judy,even in Italian "natura morta" ... two words adequate to this work!
    I really like when the message of the painting goes,so direct and so right, beyond the painting itself, as in this watercolor!

  15. Aah, daar ligtie. Je hebt hem mooi vereeuwigd. Groetjes, Marleen.

  16. Lieve Judy:) In 1 woord: geweldig! En heel origineel, dat vind ik het allermooiste. Je hebt hem prachtig geschilderd. Juist dat de verf is gaan vloeien (ja waterverf he?) lijkt prachtig. De kleuren zijn heel mooi en geven de goede sfeer weer. Mijn complimenten!!

  17. Thank you Tito! Funny that a 'mistake' turned out so right, I cannot explain. Have a nice Sunday too!

    Hi Rita, thank you! Sometimes you have to listen to the message of the watercolor, I like that also!

    Lief hè, dankjewel Marleen!

    Hoi Renate, dankjewel! Ik moet er steeds naar kijken: heb ik dat gemaakt? Zo gek, dat wat eerst een fout leek, zo goed lijkt te passen. Daar zit een wijze les in. :)

  18. You achieved the soft look of the fur brilliantly!

  19. Ik vind het heel bijzonder geworden heel teer juist door die uitvloeiing Judy groetjes anielle

  20. Thank you Cathy!

    Dankjewel Danielle!

  21. Uhhhh, one of my typical female fears, a mouse ! But this one is really sweet and wonderfully painted. Have a nice Sunday.

  22. Quel sujet peu commun pour une aquarelle et tellement bien réussi en délicatesse. Bravo Judy, le choix du titre est très judicieux.

  23. Très jolie petite nature morte, toute délicate, j'aime beaucoup ta façon si légère de peindre !

  24. Perfect painting which does indeed suggest the demise of the little fellow.

  25. Hi Jane, mine is spiders! :) Have a nice Sunday too!

    Merci beaucoup, Lydie!

    Merci beaucoup, Sabz!

    Thank you Pat!

  26. ¡Es una gran acuarela! Feliz comienzo de semana.

  27. Beautiful, stunning, I cannot take my eyes off it. Amazing. Everybody should see this!!!!!

  28. It is really dead. Amazing. I am not a big fan of this animal and I felt my usual disgust when I saw it here.
    This is the power of your art! Bravo.

  29. Muchas gracias Sonia!

    Thank you RoseAnn!

    Irina, I promise not to paint dead animals anymore! :) And I will never paint a spider, brrrr.

  30. Wonderful!!! Only this morning I heard an old pop song on the radio about a Windmill in Old Amsterdam. I hope there weren't any little clogs next to your mouse. Fab painting and I love the happy accident with the soft edge. ;)

  31. Oh , so tender and delicate, Judy. Sad yet sweet - a beautiful tribute to this tiny mouse.

  32. delightful watercolour judy ..they are very beautiful we have lots of them here.

  33. poor little mouse! But you have painted it so sensitively :0)

  34. We have field mice that sometimes take refuge in the garden, but I have two cats ... so I know this scene only too well :( Beautifully painted, Judy!

  35. Thank you John! No little clogs..:)

    Thank you Susan!

    Thank you Jane! There must be a lot here too, but I don't see them very often.

    Thank you Sandra!

    Thank you Michael! I think this was a present from one of the neighbourhood cats. :)

    Merci beaucoup, Isabelle!

  36. It does look soft, thanks maybe to the granulating pigments you used. Poor little guy...

  37. Thanks Blaga! I think the granulating pigment is burnt sienna. The other colors I used are Payne's grey, indigo, Van Dijck's brown (very dark, I like it), and a touch of quin. rose.

  38. a beautiful tribute to this poor little mouse...

  39. I love the blending on your little mouse, Judy! A lovely painting! :)

  40. Heel mooi geworden, Judy...wat een talent!

  41. Dankjewel Hermien! Ik zei wel meteen: ik schilder nooit meer zoiets moois als dit. Ik ben er echt trots op.


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