20 september 2012


Herinner je je nog dat je ze vond toen je een kind was? Het waren echte schatten!
Ik vond ze in het park gisteren.

Remember you found them when you were a child? They were real treasures!
I found them in the park yesterday.

35 opmerkingen:

  1. That makes me feel all nostalgic remembering how I used to search for conkers as a child, gorgeous loose watercolour!

  2. Dear Judy, I have not painted, as you did (with such refined semplicity!) but I also picked up this in an avenue of Pavia, last Saturday.
    Who paints remains close to the child that was ... I wish you sweet dreams, dear friend!

  3. Thanks Sharon, they make me feel nostalgic too!

    Dear Rita, they still are beautiful treasure finds to me. Sweet dreams to you, my friend!

  4. Olá! As tuas aguarelas são fantásticas.Tens um bom domínio do material. Abraços.
    M. Emília

  5. Hi Judy. You have captured beautifully the gorgeous colours of autumn in your lovely watercolour. I have a conker I found 13 years ago with my son which I keep in my car. It still looks as fresh as the day we found it. It's definitely a treasure for us. I still go looking for these now. xx

  6. Beautifully done, Judy! So simple and yet you have transcended the subject with your lovely brushwork and shining colors. I love the cast shadows!

  7. I loved collecting chestnuts!! Your lovely portrayal brought back good memories. :)

  8. Muchas gracias Maria Emilia!

    Thanks Laura! What a lovely memory! Hold on to that treasure chestnut!

    Thank you Susan!

    Thanks Kathryn! I had a chestnut tree in my back garden but sadly it died. We had buckets full of chestnuts in autumn! I still miss that tree!

  9. L'automne approche doucement et c'est l'occasion de jolies aquarelles colorées. Bisous Judy !

  10. Si Judy, recuerdo mis pequeños tesoros de niñez. ¡Tu acuarela es de una delicadeza adorable!

  11. Hi Judy, it's nice to see how you can transform a simple object, like two peanuts, in a lovely watercolor. This is the magic of art.....that not everyone is allowed to reach. Ciao!

  12. Ja, herfst. Gezellige tijd. :-)
    Schitterend geschilderd Judy.

  13. You painted them so loosely and beautifully, Judy. I collected them as well, many years ago with my girls!!

  14. Ah yes - natures treasures! And there are plenty of them to be found at this time of year; conkers, nuts, fungi... An artists paradise! And you have painted them so beautifully :0)

  15. Lieve Judy:) Herfst komt steeds dichterbij.... Jou schilderij past daar heel mooi bij. Weer een geweldig stukje kunst!

  16. What a lovely painting!

    Horse Chestnut - the 'Conker'. We used to bake them in vinegar, because it made them extra hard ... it never worked! My conker never lasted very long.

    For those who don't understand what I'm talking about, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8Gr3fTGbSo

  17. Your beautiful painting has all the nostalgia of your memories, dear Judy! Very sweet and really beautiful!
    Warm regards.

  18. Lydie, Sonia, Tito, Renske, Hilda, Ina, Sandra, Renate, John, Konstantina: thank you very very much!

    It is nice to read that you all have your own (childhood) memories of conkers!

    John, I have watched the youtube-video, great! I don't know the game, we made little men out of the conkers with matchsticks for legs and arms. I don't think there is a way to preserve them, they all loose their shine and shrivel up. :(

  19. I still pick them up for treasures! Love your painting Judy you have captured them well.

  20. Absolutely true Judy, chestnuts hold some strong childhood memories, truly beautiful painting !

  21. Ah Judy, dit is heel mooi. Prachtige kleuren. Groetjes

  22. "conkers" + "conker paths" :) ...lovely painting judy ..love the vivid green

  23. We collect these all the time now when we are in the parks with the kids at work.They pretend they cook food with them and other things. Children does have a wonderful imagination!
    A lovely painting you made! Great colors and a nice glow! Take care Judy!

  24. This is so beautiful!!! :)
    I really like the softness of this work. It's really delicated.

  25. Thank you Ann, Jane, Cora, Jane, Catharina, Fados!

  26. I found them today on my auto's roof and around. Definitely autumn!

  27. A darling painting! You make the simplest of items irresistible Judy!

  28. Lovely chestnuts. You are right this is a time for the treasures, now :)

  29. This brings back lovely memories. Like John Simlett, I used to play 'conkers' as a boy. Never was any good at it though. lol. I'm always impressed by how you can make a simple subject, so artistic. Great work.

  30. Sencillamente es perfecta, me encanta.

  31. Thank you Irina (I hope your car does not have dents), Laura, Maga, John, Sergio!

  32. I love the crisp, fresh colors and the sense of light in this painting! Like always with your watercolors, I wish I could do it...
    Have a lovely week, Judy!

  33. Thank you Blaga! Maybe it is the yellow in this and other paintings, I love to use yellow. Lovely week to you too!

  34. ...Tesori delicati e perfetti.
    Un saluto.

  35. Mille grazie Daniele! Un saluto!


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