25 oktober 2013

A branch...

Net om de hoek van mijn huis staan twee enorme platanen, waar ik deze tak vond.
Just round the corner from my house are two huge plane trees, where I found this branch.

31 opmerkingen:

  1. Goodness Judy, that does look like a lot of work! Love your painting of the branch you found, sometimes these little finds can inspire can't they.

  2. I love this painting of the branch. You never overwork, it feels very fresh and the colors are vibrant. I wish you a lot of sales and a good weekend!

  3. Well done Judy, everything if perfect with this small watercolor. Composition, colors, lights.....a beautiful painting. Have a good week end! Ciao.

  4. A gorgeous painting Judy! And what a great time of year for a sale!

  5. There are no small paintings... not when you create them, anyway! This is so gorgeous and artistic! You really have an eye for lovely composition.

  6. Lovely branch painting! I really admire your loose handling and the way you have rendered the veins in the leaf.

  7. Thank you Ann, I cant believe how many paintings I've made!

    Thank you Celia, good weekend to you too!

    Thank you Tito, I'm glad you like it!

    Thank you Sandra! I hope so.

    Thank you Katherine for you lovely comment, I like the composition too. Composition is sometimes hard for me.

  8. Thank you Kev! Those veins were a bit of luck, you have to find the right moment to paint with water to create this effect.

  9. Lovely work Judy and very inspiring! Best wishes with your sales.

  10. Hi Judy! Your work is great, I'd like to buy two small paintings but I dont know how could I pay you. Once I bought a wtercolour from a german blog friend and it was verty difficult, I had to ask a friend who, by chance, was goind there to pay for me. Could I use credit card? any other idea?

  11. Bonjour Judy,

    Que de beau travail accompli !
    Cette dernière aquarelle est bien de saison.

    Bon week-end :)

  12. Thank you Helen!

    Hi Anamaria, I sent you an email.

    Merci beaucoup Lydie! Bon weekend!

  13. Good Luck with the sales Judy. You always create such wonderful artwork. :-)

  14. La lumière est très belle et la réalisation originale, superbe.

  15. Judy found your blog - enjoyed seeing all your lovely paintings. Looks like you paint subjects I am drawn too as well. I will be stopping back again soon. Have a wonderful week end.

  16. Hope you find homes for your lovely fresh little paintings. It is such a problem what to do with them all, I too am so prolific and the pile just keeps growing

  17. Dear Judy, I wish you good luck! You've worked hard and well, with passion and care. You really deserve to have more and more success!

  18. Ciao judy, un acquerello veramente interessante,buon fine settimana.

  19. Thank you Laura, merci beaucoup Christine, found your blog too Debbie, I hope so too Lorraine, thank you Rita, grazie mille Daniele!

  20. Well done Judy, it's a beautiful watercolor, and the shadow really enhances the leaves, lovely and free ! Have a nice weekend.

  21. Ziet er mooi uit Judy echt herfst lieve groetjes Danielle

  22. very well done! and fantastic idea, good luck with the sales!

  23. Beautiful branch painting!
    Good luck with the sales xx

  24. Hmmm I'll have a look :). Nice painting this one too :). Have a good weekend!

  25. Thank you Jane, Danielle, Mari, Pat and Dana!

  26. Lovely painting Judy! So fresh as allways!

  27. A perfect small autumn painting Judy! I love the shape of the leaves, so like ivy. Best of luck with your sale!

  28. Wonderful painting, Judy, with lovely watercolor effects and textures! I like how you painted the vains of the leaf!

  29. Thank you Catharina, Tina, Laura, Blaga!


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