05 oktober 2013


Ik vond dit reuzenblad zo groot als een zakdoek en wou het onmiddellijk schilderen zoals je hier ziet, in een hokje. Dus ik nam hem mee naar huis, balancerend met mijn boodschappen in de ene hand en het blad in de andere, voorzichtig om hem niet te beschadigen.
Ik heb neocolor II en waterverf gebruikt.
Ik was tevreden met het resultaat en moest op dezelfde manier ook een reuzenappel schilderen, gewoon voor de grap.

I found this giant leaf the size of a handkerchief and immediately thought about painting it boxed in like this. So I took it home balancing my groceries in one hand and the leaf in the other, careful not to damage it. 
I used neocolor II and watercolour.
I liked the result and had to paint a giant apple in the same way, just for fun.

25 opmerkingen:

  1. These paintings were worth struggling with the groceries. While the subjects were mundane, the paintings are not; your use of color adds excitement to the composition. Well done!

  2. Hi Linda, thank you. I know these speak to you more than the knot for instance. I needed this to get out of my system. :) I like the combo crayons and paint!

  3. Two watercolors simple and beautiful, a combination not easy to achieve. Well done Judy! Have a good week end. Ciao.

  4. Super gedaan Judy! Prachtige kleuren en vormen. Wat is neocolor? Prettig weekend:)xx

  5. Both beautiful compositions Judy. Oh the things we do for our art. I hope you did not get arm ache from carrying all your shopping in one hand to protect this beautiful leaf.

  6. Hi, Judy, Nice. Have fun! From tomorrow, a summer time will start!
    Cheers, Sadami

  7. Ik vind de kleuren prachtig. Typish herfts. Fijn weekend.

  8. I can just see you, balancing groceries and your next "model" :) Beautiful and fun! Well done, Judy!
    Kathryn xx

  9. Lovely colour combinations. Glad you got the leaf home safely, but did you get any strange looks from people wondering why you were carrying a leaf? lol

  10. Thank you everyone!

    @Sadami, enjoy the summer!
    @Ann, haha, I even took the leaf into the supermarket. And acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world. :)

  11. Kan me helemaal voorstellen hoe je met het blad in je hand naar huis liep, ik ken dat, doe dat ook wel eens, helemaal in de wolken door de mooie kleuren en dan moet het mee. (ik doe dat ook wel eens met een steen!)Mooie kleuren, neocolor is een aquarelpotlood begrijp ik?

  12. Goed gelukt. Mooie kleuren. Groet, Annet

  13. @Hanneke, ja leuk is dat hè, je gevonden schatten mee naar huis nemen. :) Neocolor II is wateroplosbaar krijt van Caran d'Ache. Daar kun je leuke dingen mee doen.

    Dankjewel Annet!

  14. Hi Judy! I just had a look at the last few of your paintings just now. I especially liked the trees in a row. :) See you! Take care!

  15. Both paintings have a lovely autumn theme with this nice warm colors. It's understandable that you had to paint the giant apple, so that apples do not feel jealous by your attention to some giant leaf... :)

  16. Two great works , love the freshness and the colors ! Have a nice sunday.

  17. I love both paintings and your fresh approach makes everything beautiful! Have a nice Sunday, Judy!

  18. Lovely signs of the new season ...colors so brilliant for heating my eyes, touched of gray lights in the Po Valley!!!

  19. Thank you, dear blogfriends! I needed some bright colours myself and I'm glad you appreciate them!

  20. Both are beautiful and if find the "boxed" format interesting.

    I recently did some leaf paintings and had to be careful carrying them home also. Some survived, some did not.

  21. Hi Carol, thanks for visiting!

  22. Such lovely subjects to paint! watery wonderfulness :0)

  23. It's a wonderful giant leaf. I love colors!!

  24. I like them Judy. You've developed a deft eye in choosing color. What is neocolor ll?


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