17 oktober 2013

Zodiac signs...

Dit is waar ik mee bezig ben op dit moment. Dit zijn kleine studies voor grotere schilderijen. Afmetingen van beiden: 20 x 20 cm.

This is what I have been doing lately. These are small studies for bigger paintings.  Both are 20 x 20 cm in size.

26 opmerkingen:

  1. So lovely idea zodiac in watercolor!!!I'm look forward...Zodiac is very interesting and inspiring topic!Brava Judy!!!

  2. Dankjewel Renske!

    Thank you Rita! I think I'll paint the animal signs first, and then the human signs. I already have ideas how to paint Gemini, the twins.

  3. beautiful work Judy! This will make a wonderful series!

  4. The sheep and bull are brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Thank you Celia and Polly!
    I forgive you, Polly!!! :)

  6. De ram en het musje hieronder hebben mijn voorkeur maar ook het schaap is erg mooi geworden. Groeten Janny

  7. A lovely series, I can't wait for the next ones. I like your choices of background colors suggesting different moods. I don't know much about the zodiac signs, but the ram seems fiery and determined...

  8. Lovely as small paintings but will be even more impressive as large works Judy...really lovely.

  9. I really admire the way you express form in watercolour and these are excellent studies. I do hope you get around to doing Pisces.

  10. Strong and fresh colors really make the paintings vibrant. Your technique has really developed into a strong one.

    What would happen if you touched just a small bit of yellow into the next one? It would give you the color triad the other two are part of. Just an idea. I'm always looking for the triad to make a painting complete. Triads are three colors equal distance from each othe on the color wheel and always complement each other.
    xo Jenny

  11. Very original idea Judy, beautifully painted with your usual fresh and bright colors .

  12. Thank you everyone! I'm so glad you like them!

    @Kev and Introverted Art: Capricorn and Pisces may be sooner than you think, it's Sagittarius and Aquarius I am worried about.

    @Jenny: My idea was to give every sign a colour theme. Aries has to be red, and Taurus needed a kind of blue, but maybe a darker blue than this. I thought a soft green for Gemini. It's good to do small paintings first, to work out ideas.

  13. Wonderful studies Judy! And tricky to paint I bet! :0)

  14. Ils sont beaux ces premiers signes. C'est une belle idée. Bisous !

  15. Magnifici questi primi due acquerelli, Judy. Davvero bella e origininale l'idea di dipingere i segno dello zodiaco. Un abbraccio.

  16. Lovely studies, Judy! I like the looseness and warmth, and the zodiac idea is fabulous!
    Kathryn xx

  17. De ram vind ik zo mooi uitgebeeld, altijd leuk om die kleine werkjes tussendoor te maken ....

  18. Wonderful work as always, Judy..
    I always look forward to seeing your watercolors!!

  19. Thank you everyone! It's a big project, I hope I can keep it up.

  20. Un trabajo interesante. Los dos primeros prometen! Un abrazo.


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