08 oktober 2013


Het was onvermijdelijk, dit schilderij moest geschilderd worden na de appel uit mijn vorige post. Ik zie series in alles, mijn geest werkt kennelijk op die manier. Ik ben dol op dit format, en op het werken met Neocolor II (zie hieronder voor meer informatie). Dus ik ben bang dat er nog meer aankomt. :)

Een versie van dit schilderij is te koop in mijn Etsy winkeltje.

It was inevitable, this painting had to be painted after the apple from my previous post. I see series in everything, my mind works that way obviously. I love this format, and working with Neocolor II (see below for more information). So I am afraid there's more to come. :)

Another version of this painting is available in my Etsy shop.


Dit is Neocolor II
Het is wateroplosbaar krijt. Dus het is vergelijkbaar met aquarelpotlood. 
De kleuren zijn prachtig intens.
Klik op de link voor meer informatie.

This is Neocolor II.
It is watersoluble. So it is comparable to watercolour pencils.
The colours are wonderfully intense.
Click on the link for more information.

27 opmerkingen:

  1. These Neocolor's look like fun to use. Are they more like crayons that you can wet, or not? Love your painting from them what ever they happen to do :)

  2. Preciosa acuarela, en donde se deja ver el paso del tiempo...



  3. Mooi! Neocolor II lijkt me een interessant produkt. Heb gezien dat je de krijtjes ook per stuk kan kopen. Ik weet al wat ik aan de Kerstman ga vragen ;-)))

  4. I love what you are doing with these Neos...I have the same exact set and use them on small,,,card size watercolors. Everytime I go to the art supply store I add a few more colors until I have a big box full and sometimes I just stare at all the vibrant color in the box:) when I should be using them!!!

  5. Thanks Ann, they are like oil pastel crayons, but they 'bleed' when you wet the drawing. I hope this answers your question.

    Muchas gracias, Maritza!

    Dankje Hanneke, ze zijn echt heel mooi van kleur en de effecten die je kunt maken zijn heel interessant, vind ik.

    Thanks Cynthia, the colours are really beautiful, aren't they!

  6. Hi Judy! The last time I visited your blog you were Painting with water, so today I spent a good time wandering through recent posts, including your web site. Wow! It was wonderful to see all your works.
    Love this new series of big boxed things, expecting to see more

  7. Bonjour,

    Des couleurs qui chantent et je suis curieuse et épatée par le rendu avec ces crayons miscibles à l'eau.
    Très joli travail.
    gros bisous

  8. Neocolor seem like something really worth trying ..very interesting ! Love this big half apple filling the whole frame :-)

  9. Hi, Judy, enjoy drawing. Just have fun in anything like a chid.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  10. Neocolors look worth investigating, I've never heard of them before! I love that you work in a series, and this half apple is filled with color! Beautiful!

  11. Judy, I look forward to more wonderful knots and apples!
    Kathryn xx

  12. Heel grappig al die nieuwe martiale en mooie uitwerkingen lieve groetjes Danielle

  13. The apple is very pretty. The Neocolour gives another great dimension to it. xxCattis

  14. Interesante estos laíces, el resultado es muy bueno pero... tus pinturas siempre lo son! Un abrazo

  15. I love reading about new media that I dont know about. A series is a great way to discover a subject fully and present a wonderful collection for viewers. Something I have not done before but have just now started.

  16. Dear Judy,you manage so well the magic painting of the apples with all medium you want!!!

  17. Oh, I think I can guess where this series is heading... although, with your imagination you always find a way to surprise me. I like these compositions, with the objects almost bursting through the edges of the painting

  18. This is lovely! I do love getting my teeth in to a series :0)

  19. I sent for a couple of those crayons yesterday. Looking forward trying them soon!

  20. I love the coloring in this, perfect!

  21. Great painting, Judy. It made me smile to see the image and the title. Wonderful progression.

  22. This half apple is really lovely, Jude. The colors are fantastic. Have a good week end! Ciao.

  23. This will be a wonderful series, Judy. The apple looks good enough to eat!! Beautiful work and I look forward to seeing more!!!

  24. i love neocolor too judy :) ... wonderful apple and leaf

  25. Judy, no one does this style of painting better than you.
    Watery, loose and wonderful to look at...
    I am always trying to achieve this way of painting, getting closer but miles to go ...


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